Institute seminar

Group leader
NameDr. Frank Siegert
Professur für Teilchenphysik
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, Ground floor, room E17 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
By arrangement
Our institute seminar is held in a colloquial manner for nuclear and particle physicists as it is shared between groups working on particle physics theory, the ATLAS experiment, neutrino physics as well as nuclear physics.
The seminar usually takes place during term time on Thursday afternoon at 15:00 in room ASB/E19 and usually lasts about one hour.
Please find the talks scheduled currently and in the past in the Event Calendar.
Information for speakers
You can find the seminar room ASB/E19 in the ground floor of the IKTP. Feel free to contact the organiser (see above) a bit in advance to set up the presentation.
The audience comes from a broad range of background, as the groups in the institute span topics from experimental and theoretical LHC physics, neutrino physics, nuclear (astro-) physics and radiation physics. The presentation should aim for 45-50 minutes plus questions. You are free to either use your own laptop with HDMI connection or to bring a PDF to be presented from the built-in PC. If you don't mind, it would be great to get a PDF in any case beforehand or after the talk to upload to our agenda.
In addition to the seminar, there is the tradition of having a students-only session with the seminar speaker, right before the seminar, on which the students have the opportunity to ask for very basic questions without feeling shy. This is usually a 30 min session, starting at ~14:20, followed by a 10 min break right before the actual seminar which starts at 15:00. This is just a question and discussion session, without slides. Please let us know, whether you would be available and willing to do such a student session as well!
We organise accommodation for speakers in the TU Dresden Guest House, which is located not far from the institute and the main train station. Our administrative staff will contact you in advance to arrange the booking and the details of the speaker's contract.