Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe "Precision Monte Carlo event generators and LHC measurements"

Nachwuchsgruppenleiter und Professurvertreter
NameDr. Frank Siegert
Professur für Teilchenphysik
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Andreas-Schubert-Bau, EG, Raum E17A Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
Nach Vereinbarung
Die Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe lief bis 2021. Seit 2021 leitet Frank Siegert die Professur für Teilchenphysik in Vertretung von Michael Kobel.
Unsere Gruppe arbeitet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Experiment und Theorie für LHC-Messungen. Dabei beschäftigen wir uns vor allem mit der Berechnung von QCD-Effekten mit Hilfe von Monte Carlo-Simulation, und mit ATLAS-Messungen, die sensitiv auf die Modellierungsaspekte dieser Simulation sind.
Falls Sie schon immer Forschung mit Hilfe des Zufalls tätigen wollten, oder verstehen, warum Messungen und Vorhersagen für LHC-Kollisionen so schwierig aber auch interessant sind, dann melden Sie sich gern — auch im Hinblick auf Stellen für Abschlussarbeiten, Doktoranden oder Postdocs!
- July 2020
We have publically released the first measurement of diphoton production with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV using the full data from Run-2. The analysis was performed fully by members our group (Christian, Heberth and Frank) and presented for the first time at ICHEP 2020 by Frank. - May 2020
Unfortunately postponed to later in the year(?) due to some virus...
We are^Wwere looking forward to hosting the rest of the Rivet developer team for a workshop and development sprint in Dresden. - March 2020
Valentin Boettcher is joining our group for the next three months to work on Monte Carlo methods and their application to diphoton production in his Bachelor thesis. Welcome! - February 2020
A review article about the Rivet framework has been published by the Rivet collaboration in SciPost. - 01.01.2020
Heberth Torres has taken over the convenership of the Isolation and Fake Forum in ATLAS. This subgroup is responsible for electron/photon/muon isolation modelling and fake estimation. Congratulations for this recognition! - 08.10.2019
Dr. Johannes Krause has been thoroughly examined today and found to be very worthy of a PhD degree. We couldn't agree more and wish him all the best for his exciting future endeavours! - September 2019
A review article about event generation with Sherpa 2.2 by the whole Sherpa collaboration has been published in SciPost with contributions from three members of our group in Dresden! - August 2019
An article based on Sebastian Liebschner's research on resonance-aware NLO QCD subtraction methods has been published in EPJC. - July 2019
An article based on Johannes Krause's research on a novel method to predict heavy-flavour production at the LHC has been published in PRD. - March 2019
We are pleased to have Katharina Danziger back in our group working on the hot topic of Efficiency Improvements in Monte Carlo Algorithms for High-Multiplicity Processes for her Master project. - 01.01.2019
Christian Wiel is starting as a PhD student in our group. His research will be dedicated to the measurement of photon pair production processes with the ATLAS detector. Welcome! - 07.12.2018
Congratulations to Daniel Reichelt for being awarded a "Ehrenfried-Walter-von-Tschirnhaus-Urkunde" by the rector of the TU Dresden for being one of the best graduates of the University in his year! - February 2018
An article based on Johannes Krause's research on Z+gamma production at the LHC has been published in EPJC. - January 2018
An article based on Daniel Reichelt's master thesis research has been published in JHEP. - 26.10.2017
Merle Schröder is joining our group for the next three months to work on particle decays in supersymmetric models for her Bachelor thesis. Welcome! - 01.10.2017
Frank Siegert is taking over the convenership of the "ATLAS Physics Modelling Group" for the next two years. The PMG is one of the eight physics analysis groups of the ATLAS experiment and responsible for the application of theoretical predictions within the ATLAS measurements. - September 2017
Daniel Reichelt is on his way to SLAC on a research visit to Stefan Hoeche for a couple of months, for which he has been awarded a PROMOS stipend. Enjoy QCD and the bay area! - 08.08.2017
The Z kT splitting measurement has been published by JHEP. It was designed and realised by members of our group. - 26.07.2017
Marie Zech is joining our group for the next three months to work on MRSSM cross sections in Sherpa for her Bachelor thesis. Welcome! - 01.04.2017
Heberth has taken over the convenership of the Standard Model Jet and Photon Physics Subgroup in ATLAS. Congratulations for this recognition! - March 2017
Two articles from our group have been published this month:
The first NLO QCD calculation of tt + 3 jets production (EPJC), and
a practical guide to event generation for prompt photon production with Sherpa (JPhysG). - 19.03.2017
We organised a trip to Geneva for 48 students of our Bachelor lecture, who spent 2 days at CERN visiting the CERN control centre, the AMS experiment, the SM18 magnet test hall, ISOLDE, the data centre, and last but not least the CMS detector. Big thanks to our (ex-)IKTP colleagues Stefanie, Marcus and Andree for being our guides at most of these visit points! - 01.03.2017
Four Bachelor students are joining our group for the next months to work on heavy neutrino decay simulations, supersymmetric models, and Ds and Λc decays, all within the framework of the Sherpa event generator. Welcome to Katharina Danziger, Jelka Weber, Jan-Eric Nitschke and Sven Schiffner! - December 2016
Daniel Reichelt is joining our group as a Master student for the next 12 months working on a comparison of parton showers and analytical resummation, a very hot topic! - 01.08.2016
Heberth Torres will join our group as a new post-doc in 2017 working on ATLAS analyses. We are looking forward to welcoming him and his family here in Dresden! - 26.07.2016
Welcome to Ken Kreul, who is starting as a Bachelor student in our group, working on hadron decays in Sherpa. - 01.07.2016
We say Farewell to Chris, who is taking up his next post-doc position at UCL. Thanks for joining us for the last almost two years! - 14.03.2016
We have six new students in the group, who are going to be working for their Bachelor thesis on iterative unfolding methods for non-perturbative corrections as well as the hadron decay simulation in Sherpa. Welcome to David Tucholski, Hans Hoffmann, Jakob Beyer, Kien Dang Tran, Marius Walther and Paul Moder! - 01.11.2015
Chris will now be based at CERN for the next year, and Johannes Krause is starting as a PhD student in Dresden. Farewell and Welcome! - 12.10.2015
The winter term is starting and we'll be lecturing the Introduction to Particle and Nuclear Physics for Bachelor students. - 23.04.2015
A PhD position was advertised for data analysis in the ATLAS experiment. Deadline (extended): June 10! - 26.11.2014
Congratulations to Dr. Christian Gütschow on his successful doctoral viva, and Welcome in Dresden! - 26.09.2014
We are preparing for the CERN birthday party here in Dresden in the week October 6-12! A full week of events and celebration around 60 years of CERN is planned, including a visit by the Director General of CERN, Rolf Heuer; a large exhibition about the LHC machine; and an evening lecture by Frank Siegert. See you there... - 11.08.2014
The postdoc position has been filled, Christian Gütschow from UCL will join us in November 2014! - 20.06.2014
The first postdoc position has been advertised - 14.05.2014
The funding of the group has been approved by the DFG