Current research projects
BeMIND - Behavior and Mind Health Study (Dresden youth and family study within the framework of the project "The Epidemiology of Functional and Dysfunctional Behavioral and Psychological Factors in Mental Health and Disease"; BMBF, 06/2014-06/2022; PI: Beesdo-Baum; current Staff: Kische, Voß, Rückert)
PENELOPE-E: „Health Promotion in Care Settings by Applied Relaxation - an Online-Training and a Train-the-Trainer Concept“ (AOK Plus, 07/2020-03/2023, PIs: Beesdo-Baum, Kische, Pieper; Coordination: Kische/Pieper; Staff: Hilla, Bachmann, Strehlau; Coop: PENELOPE-Project Network: Wegge / Dörfel)
PROMPt: Primary-indicative optimised allocation to preventive measures for emotional and behavioural problems in children (GBA, Innovationsfond, 10/2018-09/2022; Coordinator: Knappe, Project PIs: Knappe, Beesdo-Baum, Roessner, Schmitt; Cooperation: AOK Plus; BE-Staff: Ernst, Porst, Siegmund, Weniger)
Panic! What now?: Indicated prevention of mental disorders in individuals with initial panic symptoms: investigation of efficacy and underlying mechanisms of action (DFG, 02/2018-03/2023; PI: Beesdo-Baum, Pane-Farre, Coop: Asselmann; Staff: Wideburg)
International Research Training Group “Risk Factors and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders” (IRTG 2773; Coordinator/Speaker: Bauer) - Subprojekt P2: Early risk factors and trajectories of affective disorders: A multimodal approach to developmental epidemiology (DFG: 07/2022 - 12/2026; PI's TUD: Mennigen, Beesdo-Baum – King’s: Dazzan, Pariante; PhD candidate: Paula Henneberg)
JeDi-KI: Early detection of adolescents in transition to depression: development of an individual prediction model using machine learning (funded by the Robert Enke Foundation, PIs: Hanna Kische & Kevin Hilbert (HU, Berlin))
Film study: The role of cognitive and biological factors in the development of PTSD symptomatology (start-up funding from TU Dresden, PIs: Judith Schäfer and Hanna Kische)
CogMoSan project: "The role of cognitive and motivational factors and trauma exposure in the development and maintenance of psychological abnormalities and post-traumatic growth in emergency service personnel" (Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the federal and state excellence strategy, Pl: Dr. Judith Schäfer. Master students: Julia Streidl and Heike Buchantschenko)
Repression project: Psychological consequences of experiences of repression in the GDR. (Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the federal and state excellence strategy, PI: Dr. Judith Schäfer. Master students: Paula Berndt, Johanna Hirsch and Karlotta Meyn)
Mental Health App Survey: Help from the app: dissemination, opportunities, obstacles (internal funding: PI: Dr. Sophia Fürtjes)
My Irritable Bowel: "Investigation of the effectiveness of an online training course for irritable bowel syndrome sufferers" (ESF PLUS Landesinnovations-Promotionsstipendium, since 09/2023 until probably 03/2027, Pl: Hilla)