Sep 28, 2023
Towards Designing and Evaluating an Adaptable Assistance System for Technology-Enhanced Vocational Education
As part of the VerDatAs project, an adaptive learning support for vocational education was developed at our chair in collaboration with the Chair of Computer Networks at Dresden University of Technology. The resulting paper ( was presented at the ECTEL Conference ( in Aveiro, Portugal, in September 2023. Our paper presents the design and implementation of the jointly developed tutorial assistance system (TAS). The goal of the TAS is to enable individualized and collaborative learning in modern, technology-enhanced environments. In doing so, the TAS responds to the needs of the learners. By means of a user-friendly graphical structure, the aim is to make learning not only more effective, but also more exciting. Based on interdisciplinary expertise from psychology and computer science, this system should optimize learning processes in the near future.