PUBLICATIONS M.Sc. Helena Laudel
Lippmann, M., Laudel, H., Heinzle, M., & Narciss, S. (2019). Relating instructional design components to the effectiveness of internet-based mindfulness interventions: a critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of medical Internet research, 21(11), e12497.
DOI: 10.2196/12497
Conference contributions:
Laudel, H., Neumann, M., Narciss, S. (2021). Supporting adaptive reactions to feedback after failures: examining the role of a self-talk intervention. Poster presented at JURE in Gothenburg (online).
Laudel, H., Narciss, S. (2021). Die Handlungsadaptivität nach Misserfolgsfeedback bei Studierenden: die Rolle von "State Rumination". Poster presented at PaEpsy in Heidelberg (online).
Laudel, H., Neumann, M., Narciss, S. (2019). Reactions to failure: Exploring the effects of academic self-concept and a nonviolent communication intervention on working memory span and behavior. Poster presented at PaEpsy in Leipzig.
DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/76AJH