Publications from BQL.Digital

BQL.Digital als Online-Angebot für den Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt
Since the launch of BQL.Digital in 2018, the team has been actively involved in national and international conferences to present research results and exchange ideas with other scientists.
A selection of BQL.Digital's research activities is presented below:
- Dagmar Oertel, Christin Nenner (2024): TDas Medienlabor am ZLSB - ein explorativer Raum zur Förderung digitalisierungsbezogener Kompetenzen in der Lehrkräftebildung. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on E-Learning (WeL'24), (to be published in 2025)
- Peggy Germer, Dagmar Oertel, Malte Krone (2024): rimary School Teachers and the Digital Turn – an Evaluation Study with Lateral Entrants from the Teacher Training Programme of TU Dresden. In: Axel Gehrmann, Peggy Germer (2024) (Eds.): Teacher Shortage in International Perspectives: Insights and Responses. Non-Traditional Pathways to the Teacher Profession. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (Publisher).
ISBN: 978-3-658-45397-8 (expected to be published in December 2024) -
Dagmar Oertel, Malte Krone, Peggy Germer, Robert Päßler (2024): BQL.DIGITAL: SUnterstützung für digitales Lehren und Lernen in der berufsbegleitenden Qualifizierung von Lehrkräften. In: Thor, Andreas et. al. (ed.): Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on E-Learning, HTWK Leipzig, ISBN 978-3-910103-03-0, DOI 10.33968/2024.71, p. 120 - 131
- Germer, P. & Krone, M. (2022). Partizipative Gestaltung des Distanzlernens im Seiteneinstieg: Was soll bleiben? Was kann weg?.In: Ballod, M. & Heider, K. (eds.): Lehren für eine Bildung in der Digitalen Welt: Lehrer*innenbildung vor dem Hintergrund der digitalen Transformation. Halle (Saale): Center for Teacher Education at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, vol. 5. pp. 11-12.
- Thomas Köhler, Sandra Döring, Dagmar Oertel, Theresia Zimmermann, Cornelia Schade, Ralph Sonntag, Tom C. Adler, Jana Halgasch, Heinz-Werner Wollersheim, Norbert Pengel, Annet Wienmeister: Workshop: Lehrkooperationen. "Gestaltungsansätze durch digitalisierte Hochschulbildung". In: Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on e-Learning (WeL '18) (2018), pp. 121-133.
- Thomas Köhler, Sandra Döring, Theresia Zimmermann, Cornelia Schade, Ralph Sonntag, Jana Halgasch, Tom C. Adler, Dagmar Oertel, Hein-Werner Wollersheim, Norbert Pengel, Annett Wienmeister, Susanne Kandler, Oliver Löwe, "Möglichkeiten digital gestützter, hochschulübergreifender Kooperation in der Lehre. Fallbeispiele aus der sächsischen Hochschulbildung", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Communities in New Media (GeNeMe) 2018.
Virtual symposium contribution: "Digitalization and Lateral Entry Teacher Education - perceptions from second career teacher-students about e-Education" (Peggy Germer, Dagmar Oertel), 1st International early career educational researcher's conference of KFU (Kazan, 25th May 2021), [by invitation]
Workshop contribution: "LETE in times of COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study about online learning, testing, and supporting teacher-students" (Peggy Germer, Dagmar Oertel), at the "1st Dresden Conference: Lateral Entry and Second Career Teachers", ZLSB at TU Dresden, 24.11.2020 - 26.11.2020
Symposium contribution: "BQL.Digital: online services for second career teacher programs" Thomas Barany, Dagmar Oertel, Kerstin Koch (2020). At the Virtual Conference: "VI INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON TEACHER EDUCATION - Virtual IFTE-2020". In Kazan, Russia, 27.05.2020 - 09.06.2020
Poster presentation "BQL.Digital: Online-Angebote für den Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt" (2020), Oertel, Dagmar. At the OVID-PRAX conference: "Third Spaces!? Digitale Lernumgebungen zur Förderung von Theorie-Praxis-Bezügen in der Hochschullehre" - Conference at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena on 21.02.2020
Poster presentation - "BQL.Digital: Online-Angebote für den Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt" at the 4th TUD-Sylber-Conference "Digitalisierung in der Lehrerbildung" on 16.11.2019
Poster presentation - "Digitale Seiteneinstiegskoordination - Vernetzung und Austausch über eine gemeinsame Lernplattform befördern" at the 3rd TUD-Sylber conference "Phasenübergreifende Vernetzung in der Lehrerbildung" on 17.11.2018.
Contact persons & contact
If you have any feedback, suggestions or questions about BQL. Digital, please contact Dagmar Oertel and Christin Nenner :

Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Medieninf. Dagmar Oertel
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room 201 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden

Research associate
NameMs Dr. Christin Nenner
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 201 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden