Study of the academic and occupational choices of school leavers with higher education entrance qualifications in Saxony ("Saxon High School Graduates Study")
For the 13th time, in 2020, Saxon pupils were surveyed about their intented future educational and career paths. The goal of the High School Graduate Survey is to examine the decision-making process of potential students in Saxony in regards to their post-secondary eduational and career paths approximately 3 months before graduation. The high school students' inclination towards the university is the focus of this survey (as it was in past surveys). Topics such as studying at the Berufsakademie and questions about financing one's studies are also taken into account. Of further interest are the developments and tendencies that can be shown since the series of surveys was begun in 1996.
Final reports can be found here.
every two years since 1996
Contracting authority
Financed by the Saxon State Ministry of Education, represented by the Saxon Education Institute
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Karl Lenz
(former) Staff
Clemens Behrendt, M.A.
Dina Rosenkranz, M.A.
Dipl.-Soz. Robert Pelz
Dipl.-Soz. Rüdiger Laskowski
Post address
Technische Universität Dresden
Kompetenzzentrum für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung
Sächsische Abiturientenstudie
01062 Dresden
Visitor address
Technische Universität Dresden
Kompetenzzentrum für Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung
Chemnitzer Str. 48a
01187 Dresden
Office administration:
Telephone: 0351 / 463-35311
Fax: 0351 / 463-39747