What is "BeING Inside"?
Table of contents
What is "BeING Inside"?
BeING Inside is the realistic simulation of an industrial project. Within one week, prospective and first-year students work in interdisciplinary teams on a problem from business practice. The groups compete for the best solutions. After the final presentations at the end of the project week, the best team of pupils and the best team of students will be awarded a prize. Trained specialist and team coaches accompany the interdisciplinary teams during the practical task. Professors, doctoral students and representatives from the business community additionally support the groups.
Project Phases
BeING Inside consists of 2 phases:
1st Phase:
The specialist and team coaches are trained in a three-day training course, the so-called TrainING. The training of the coaches corresponds conceptually to the project week in a shortened form. This means that the coaches are also divided into teams and confronted with the same tasks as the participants of the project week.
2nd Phase:
During the BeING Inside project week, the interdisciplinary teams work on the task and are supported and supervised by the specialist and team coaches.

BeING Inside Project Week 2017: Teamwork
Mentoring concept
During the project week, prospective students and students are supported and accompanied at three different levels: by specialist and team coaches, experts and professionals.
Tasks of the specialist coaches:
- professional monitoring of the interdisciplinary groups
- conducting question-and-answer discussions on specific problems
- intervention in the event of serious technical mistakes
- support in project management (e.g. compliance with content specifications)
- final evaluation of the professional output of the group
Tasks of the team coaches:
- methodical-didactical monitoring of the interdisciplinary groups
- critical analysis of the group dynamic development (distribution of roles, communication structures etc.)
- guiding teamwork and development
- conflict and role management
- final evaluation of the teamwork in the respective group
Tasks of the experts:
- answering specific technical questions
- model representation of technical processes in the laboratory time
Tasks of the professionals:
- joint elaboration of the task with the organisation team
- participation in the "professional round"
- selection of the winning teams as jury members at the final event
In addition, the organisation team (ORP coordinators) will be available to answer questions from prospective and regular students throughout the entire project week.
The monitoring is rounded off by an extensive script with detailed schedules as well as a team USB stick with links to helpful websites, pictures and videos.

BeING Inside Project Week 2017: Get-together at the final event
Business partners
- business partner 2019: TEAG Thüringer Energie AG
- business partner 2017 and 2018: BASF Schwarzheide GmbH
- 2017: BeING Inside 2017
- 2018: BeING Inside 2018
- 2019: BeING Inside 2019
Partner projects
The idea for an interdisciplinary project week (today: KI2VA) ), which originated at the TU Darmstadt in 1998, was adapted 8 years later by the FH Kiel (under the name startIng!) and the FH Aachen (under the name pro8).
The BeING Inside format took place for the first time at TU Dresden in the summer semester of 2017.
Videos about the partner projects:
TU Darmstadt: KI²VA
FH Kiel: startIng!
FH Aachen: pro8
- Recognition of the Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V. (presented at the Tag der Lehre 2017)
- Nomination for the Saxon Teaching Award 2018
Conferences / Lectures / Publications
- Presentation of the project week at the MINT Coordination Meeting of TU Dresden on 28th September 2017
- Poster presentation in the context of the Lehr-/Lernkonferenz zur Studieneingangsphase in Berlin on 26th October 2017
- Poster presentation for the Tag der Lehre TU Dresden on 15th November 2017
- Poster presentation and workshop "Interdisziplinäre Studienprojekte gestalten" at the Science and Congress Centre Darmstadt from 19th to 21st September 2018
- Lecture on "Tried and tested diversity: Transfer and further development of incoming study projects at technical universities and universities of applied sciences" at the BMBF conference in Regensburg from 6th to 7th December 2018
- Article in the magazine Magazin "Europa fördert Sachsen" (p. 14)
- Presentation of the project week for the exchange of experiences "Maschinenhaus" of the VDMA on 13th June 2019