Tutoring Hybrid
The "TUTORING hybrid" project has set itself the goal of identifying hybrid teaching-learning scenarios in tutorials, exercises and practicals, analyzing them didactically, developing them further in an interdisciplinary manner and making them available in the form of Open Educational Practices (OEP). A particular focus is on developing the skills of teachers in interactive hybrid tutorials, tele-tutorials (DikoLint and DigitalHerrnhut), exercises and laboratory and machine practicals (PraktikaHybrid). The overarching goal is to transfer these concepts to the entire university.
Qualification modules are developed, tested and made available within the innovation teams in order to ensure subject-specificity and practical application. Innovative teaching-learning settings that have been analyzed or developed in the context of virTUos are incorporated here. Special attention is paid to tutors as a target group, as they offer valuable insights in their dual role as students and teachers and can build up additional skills as "teaching learners". They also act as developers and multipliers of OEP within virTUos.
In the course of the "TUTORING" project at the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, relevant results have already been achieved and experiences gained that serve as a starting point for further development. These include the development of a collection of partly hybrid tutorials and internships, which are referred to as "teaching designs", as well as the implementation of a hybrid session as part of the tutor qualification in mechanical engineering. This illustrates our commitment to innovative teaching approaches and the continuous further development of our course offerings.
Articles and publications:
- Beatrice Schlegel / Melanie Ludwig: Insights from tutorial work under pandemic conditions. Lessons learned (2022): https://journals.qucosa.de/ll/article/view/43/73
- TUTORING publications: https: //tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/karriere/weiterbildung/zentrum-fuer-weiterbildung/tutoring/publikationen
OER displays:
- Contributions by Johannes Reimer and Maximilian Hubmann https://www.slub-dresden.de/mitmachen/open-educational-resources/oer-display