Communication Strategies for Sustainable Energy Systems – Higher Acceptance for Hydrogen & Offshore-Wind
Several experiments have been planned to provide deeper insights into an effective presentation of sustainable energy systems in communication material and media to enable the public in-depth information on available energy options as well as to guarantee rational and independent decisions. Based on arguments and framing of various stakeholders and the media, several formal and textual characteristics will be manipulated systematically and tested for their effects on acceptance. Predispositions of the recipient (e.g. knowledge, attitudes or behavior regarding energy systems) will be controlled during the experiments as moderators. Results will provide implications for communication strategies regarding the selection of the ‘right’ arguments and their required presentation to convince the public of ecologically sustainable solutions. Strategic communication does not reflect one-sided communication in the spirit of pure marketing, but the orchestrating of persuasion processes.
Doctoral Candidate: Adriane Schmidt
First (Main-) Supervisor: Prof. Donsbach ✝
Second Supervisor: Prof. Schegner