inteliGrid Workpackages
WP 1
Reference semantic grid architecture
Leader : LJU
This workpackage aims to invent and define the reference grid architecture to support complex project collaboration and to provide a blueprint for grid implementations in this project and beyond.
Work in this workpackage will begin studying the existing grid architectures and toolkits, such as UNICORE, Globus. Gaps in these architectures will be identified that do not allow for the support of topic ontologies to be treated in a uniform way inside the grid. For example, it would seem appropriate to add some semantic data services next to the basic grid functions such as GRAM, GridFTP and MDS as well as a plug in for an arbitrary ontology to complement with the particular the otherwise generic grid services layer.
WP 2
Semantic database grid infrastructure
Leader : PSNC
Existing grid technology provides raw data services. This work package should provide semantic database services, taking advantage of the grid functionality such as security. OGSI/Globus compliant interfaces to state-of-the art grid databases, such as the Oracle 10g, or open source databases, such as mySQL, will be provided. The objective of this work package is to define and provide the information grid that is capable of secure, safe, redundant storage of arbitrary yet semantically rich and ontology-committed information. It will result in a grid-enabled, ontology-aware grid services, including database access services. The schema of this database will be defined as a part of the ontology elaborated in WP3 and not "hardwired" into the design. The work package will also provide access to distributed computational resources, mainly relying on existing functionality of the grid toolkits, but taking into account the possible exploitation of the higher level semantic that will be built into the grid in WP3. The aim is to support the next generation product model databases. The work of this WP is assessed and evaluated in WP7.
WP 3
Ontology layer
Leader : TUD
This WP will provide the technology that enables an ontology-committed view on the information and the services on the grid. A common, shared, explicit, machine process-able ontology is believed by the inteliGrid project as the central concept of a semantic grid. Establishing system-wide ontology commitment for the access to product data is an essential prerequisite for the adequacy of the semantic interoperability in the grid and thereby for its real-practice value. The ontology will greatly improve flexibility and maintainability of the grid. It will enable applications to talk to each other by communicative acts, share data repositories v ia high-level messages, and process these messages using deeper application-specific knowledge in a consistent manner. Furthermore, to be able to assign priorities to grid resources, the meaning of the communicated information, as specified by the ontology, will be taken into account. The work of this WP is assessed and evaluated in WP7.
WP 4
Grid applications for virtual organizations
Leader : SOF
This workpackage aims to learn if existing applications in architectural and engineering design can be made to work with grid architecture, to find out how much effort this requires and test how grid infrastructure enhance their functionality. The goal is to adapt some typical engineering applications for grid-based computing. The addressed families of applications are:
- computer aided design modeller from the companies in the Industrial Advisory Board.
- structural and CFD analysis and optimisation software from Sofistik.
- facility management application by Conject.
- they are connected by the project Web application by Conject.
- the suite is used by the design and consulting company OPB
All software will, of course, work on the same design environment/platform to be made available on the grid, in the database implemented in WP2 and accessed through the prism of the ontology services, developed in WP3. The work of this WP is a ssessed and evaluated in WP7.
WP 5
Dissemination, exploitation, standardization
Leader : VTT
This workpackage aims to define clear exploitation strategies for the industrial partners. To promote the grid computing paradigm in the context of AEC computing, virtual organization, concurrent engineering and beyond. To standardise the results of the project.
WP 6
Collaboration with IST Grid-related projects
Leader : LJU
The collaboration workpackage covers the liaison and co-operation activities with the other IST projects under Strategic Objective Grid-based systems for solving complex problems and its successor in WP 2005/2006. Where appropriate, other relevant IST Grid related projects may be involved on a case by case basis as appropriate and agreed by both sides:
- GRIDSTART and FP5 Grid-related projects to ensure smooth transition from FP5
- Research Infrastructure projects (EGEE, DEISA, ?) related to the deployment of Grid technologies, e.g. joint exchange and dissemination events, exchange of technologies or tools, use of infrastructures as testbeds, etc.
- Other FP6 projects in related to software and services or Grid application areas such as e-business, e-health, e-gov, etc.
WP 7
Assessment and evaluation
Leader : OPB
The objective of this workpackage is to implement internal control of the relevance and quality of the work as well as the fit of the individual components into one coherent whole. The workpackage is also encouraging the links between the technical and non-technical workpackages.
WP 8
External impact assessment
Leader : ESOCE
The objective of this workpackage is to implement control of the external relevance, the usability and the scalability of the developed solution with respect to generalized industrial needs for VO.
WP 9
Project management
Leader : LJU
The objective is to ensure that the project achieves its mission in time and on budget and that the efforts of the partners are synergistically leading to one common goal. More specifically:
- Ensure that the project achieves the scheduled plan.
- Co-ordination actions among the partners and the EC.
- Accounting support for the project and payment distribution