The Geological Collections
The geological-mineralogical collection is housed in the Georg-Schumann-Bau. Its history and the subcollections are presented on further pages.
The geological collections are an important tool for the education of students of civil engineering and other degree programmes in the courses of Applied Geology. However, only a small amount of all exhibits is presented to the public in showcases.
At university, the Geological Sciences are presented by the working group of Applied Geology (Chair for Applied Geology until 2018) at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering in the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The working group of Applied Geology and the Custody at the TU Dresden are responsible for the maintenance and usage of the collection. In the following, the collection is presented as a working tool of Applied Geology but also the beauty of individual exhibits is underlined.
Parts of the geological collections are currently under reconstruction. At the moment only the exhibitions regarding the mineralogy and the construction rocks are accesible to the public.

Geological Collection
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Georg Schumann-Bau Münchner Platz 3
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Institut für Geotechnik
Prof. für Angewandte Geologie
Heiner Siedel
01062 Dresden