IMB's research - Overlook
The Institute of Concrete Structures (in short: IMB) is one of eleven institutes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technische Universität Dresden. At the IMB, research is being carried out in 9 research groups on various topics relating to building with concrete. The range extends from the modelling of the interaction of individual particles to the experimental investigation of whole structural components. We deal with special material properties of various concretes from light-weight to ultra-high performance, the combination of concrete with different reinforcements, with the influence of different load scenarios – from static standardized short-term test to long term tests to impact – on the load bearing capacity, with optimized construction methods for new buildings and alternative methods for maintaining the existing as well as with digitalisation and and preventive maintenance.
Our current projects can be grouped into the following research areas:
In addition to pure basic research in individual and collaborative projects, joint projects with industrial partners are of great importance. Selected information on participation in various boards and commissions can be found here.

Tensile test on carbon-reinforced concrete specimen under elevated temperature