Study abroad
In times of a global economy and rapidly advancing internationalization, intercultural competence is becoming increasingly important. This is especially true for the future professional success of university graduates: Studying abroad broadens horizons and opens up opportunities in the future. The idea sounds simple, but studying abroad is a major personal challenge for everyone. In addition to language barriers, there are many other factors to consider, not least the fact that the various academic achievements in the different countries have to be compatible so that they can be recognized for a degree. In order to make it as easy as possible for students to study abroad, European universities have developed various exchange programs.
Double degree - one degree with two qualifications
Take the opportunity to study in the most beautiful places in Europe. Since 2011, our faculty has been offering a double degree program with various European partner universities. Students who choose to study for a double degree graduate in two countries in the respective national language.
Doppeldiplomprogramm der Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Language training at the TU Dresden
Of course, good language skills are essential. The TU Dresden's Language Teaching Centre offers language courses free of charge for TUD students, and our partner universities also organize inexpensive summer schools during the semester break.
Lehrzentrum Sprachen an der TU Dresden
ERASMUS exchange program
The ERASMUS exchange program enables you as a student:at the Technische Universität Dresden to spend short or long-term stays within the EU and in selected partner countries worldwide. During this time, you will receive financial and organizational support. More than 800 exchange places at partner universities exchange places at partner universities are available each semester.
Erasmus Representative
NameMs Maja Liebscher M.Sc.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Arbeitsgruppe Fernstudium Bauingenieurwesen
Arbeitsgruppe Fernstudium Bauingenieurwesen
Visiting address:
Beyer-Bau, Room 385 (south section) George-Bähr-Straße 1
01069 Dresden