Diploma program in civil engineering
The study documents for the diploma program in civil engineering at Dresden University of Technology were revised in 2019 and 2020 and formally introduced in September 2020. They meet the requirements of European specifications for university study programs (Bologna Declaration). At the same time, they make use of the option given in the Free State of Saxony to continue offering the civil engineering degree program with the also internationally renowned Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.) degree.
The study program is divided into three sections: Basic Studies, Basic Subject Studies and Advanced Studies. In the first three semesters of the basic studies, the general fundamentals of civil engineering are taught. The results of the basic studies are shown in an intermediate certificate. The following three semesters contain the basic studies. Here, a wide variety of fundamentals from all areas of civil engineering are taught: Structural Engineering, Construction Management, Urban Engineering and Transportation, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Computational Engineering, and Building Energy Management.
The advanced study program comprises four semesters and offers further specialization in the aforementioned areas of civil engineering according to personal preferences. In the first two semesters, courses of the elective modules are taken, followed by one semester each for a major study project (application-related science project) and the diploma thesis. These can also be carried out in cooperation with practical partners outside the Dresden University of Technology or at partner universities. Special agreements for double degree programs exist with ESTP in Paris, INSA in Strasbourg and Università degli Studi di Trento. In addition, students have the opportunity to gain international experience during a one-semester stay abroad at another university without extending the standard period of study.
Students receive individual study counseling at our faculty on the combination of modules with regard to the desired fields of activity in their future professional life.