Retrospective: Interactive Learning Material
Networking and workshop series
1st networking meeting TDL BU - 09.06.2023
The TDL BU team started their networking and workshop series on the topic "Interactive Teaching Materials" on 09.06.2023. The first part of the event consisted of four presentations by experts from TUD who shared their expertise and experience on ONYX, H5P, Lumi and Jupyter Notebooks with the auditorium.
Dr. Maschek presented different task types of ONYX and their embedding as self-tests and digital exams in OPAL. He focused mainly on task types that can be automatically assessed by the system. However, he also presented new task types, such as the drawing task, which allows students f.e. to leave annotations in illustrations.
Mr. Backhaus devoted his pitch to the topic of "Interactive OPAL courses with H5P." He showed the embedding of various interactive elements of H5P or Lumi in a flipped classroom module of coastal engineering. He also showed the embedding of an external HTML page in OPAL to give students direct graphical feedback on changes of variables.
Dr. Vogt vividly demonstrated how she "recycled" a video shot during Covid-19 and didactically upgraded it using H5P and Lumi through technical support from ZiLL's e-scouts. The goal for them was also to make the interactive teaching material available as OER for other teachers and students. She included appropriate notes on further use as disclaimers in her videos.
Dr. Reimann gave a presentation on "Interactive Scripts with Jupyter Notebooks". He first demonstrated the components of a Jupyter notebook and then used a practical example to show how this tool can be used to individualize and illustrate teaching content. Among other things, it is possible to create lectures and worksheets as a Jupyter Notebook. In addition, presentations can also be realized via interfaces in Jupyter Notebook.
After the lectures there were eight topic tables. Four of them were occupied by the speakers of the pitches, the other four topic tables were dedicated to the setting of a PowerPoint presentation to music, the technical setup of a hybrid teaching scenario, a demonstration of an interactive whiteboard and didactic advice by a member of the ZiLL staff.
The TDL BU would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants, speakers and guests who attended our 1st workshop and enriched it with contributions.