Oct 19, 2020
European Green Deal Call 2020 published
On September 18, 2020, the European Commission has published a new call for proposals under Horizon 2020 on the topics of the “European Green Deal”.
The call for proposals (“European Green Deal Call”) has a budget of approx. one billion euros and will focus on the main priorities of the Green Deal.
The submission deadline is on January 26, 2021.
The overview of the call topics are available HERE.
The following subject areas are included:
- Call area 1: Increasing climate ambition: cross-sectoral challenges
- Call area 2: Clean, affordable and secure energy
- Call area 3: Industry for a clean and circular economy
- Call area 4: Energy and resource-efficient buildings
- Call area 5: Sustainable and smart mobility
- Call area 6: Farm to Fork
- Call area 7: Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Call area 8: Zero-pollution, toxic-free environment
- Call area 9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the European Green Deal
- Call area 10: Empowering citizens for transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe
FactSheet of Green Deal Call: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/research_and_innovation/green_deal/ec_rtd_factsheet-green-deal-call.pdf
Further information: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2018-2020/main/h2020-wp1820-cc-activities_en.pdf
Contact at EPC
Project Manager / EPC Contact School of Civil and Environ. Eng.
NameMs Claudia Hawke
Horizon Europe
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