Dec 04, 2023
Development of the socio-cultural centre TELUX Weißwasser: WISSENSARCHITEKTUR awarded in the "simul+Kreativ"-competition
A cooperation project between WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture and the city of Weißwasser/Oberlausitz has received an sponsorship award totalling 145,000 euros in the "simul+Kreativ" competition". The innovative socio-cultural centre TELUX is to develop through usage analyses and networking by WISSENSARCHITEKTUR.
"simul⁺Kreativ - The hands-on competition for vibrant regions"
"simul⁺Kreativ - The hands-on competition for vibrant regions" was created in the simul⁺InnovationHub of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development. Associations, companies, cities and municipalities with their cooperation partners from all over Saxony can take part with their creative contributions to lively development in their regions. The competition is organised by the Sächsische Landeskuratorium Ländlicher Raum e. V. and financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon state parliament.
The "InnoCulture Telux" project from Weißwasser/WISSENSARCHITEKTUR was selected from over 500 submitted project ideas and received the award as a "contribution to the revitalisation of social interaction and a creative approach to new regional forms of living and working, taking into account digitalisation, creative industries and culture".
25,000 euros for scientific expertise
The idea of "InnoCulture Telux" is to further develop the construction and content of the local socio-cultural centre with expert support from WISSENSARCHITEKTUR - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture, for which the research group will receive 25,000 euros of the prize money.
The TELUX Socio-Cultural Centre (SKZ), which is run by the Mobile Youth Work and Socio-Culture Association, was built in 2017 on the site of the old Telux factory, an important glass production site with a 100-year history. Since then, it has impressively established itself as a centre for youth work, creative-technical activities (3D printing, CNC milling, laser cutting) and cultural events with a diverse programme (theatre, concerts, dance, cinema, markets) both regionally and locally as well as in contact with partners outside the region. The centre offers activities for all generations and is an important place of participation and identification for the city and region.
Utilisation concept, feasibility study and networking
Extensions and conversions are now planned for the "Hafenwerkstatt" building. To ensure that this is optimally organised and in line with a thematic vision, a team from WISSENSARCHITEKTUR will work with the SKZ to shape the utilisation concept and evaluate the necessary construction measures and costs in a feasibility study.
The element of participation is also essential to the WISSENSARCHITEKTUR concept: network meetings will be held with existing and future partners from the fields of education/science and business in order to gather feedback and coordinate the joint use of the building during the construction work.