Table of contents
Information for students who want to go abroad.
You are studying at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the TU Dresden and are interested in an ERASMUS stay at a foreign university? On this page you will find information on the ERASMUS partner agreements of the Faculty of Forestry, Earth and Hydrosciences and on how to apply.
Please note the information provided by the ERASMUS Office of the TU Dresden.
ERASMUS Information evening
- Presentation from 12.12.2024
- Presentation from 07.12.2023
Partner Universities
The ERASMUS programme allows you to study at partner universities in Europe. If you are planning to study abroad outside of Europe, you can find more information on the website of the International Office: TUDworldwide
The European partner universities in the ERASMUS programme are organised by disciplines in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences. As a student of a specific degree programme you can apply to the agreements of the respective subject area:
- Agreements of the Department of Forest Sciences for students of the degree programmes BSc and MSc Forstwissenschaften (Forest Sciences), MSc Tropical Forestry and MSc Holztechnologie und Holzwirtschaft (Wood Science and Technology).
- Agreements of the Department of Geosciences for students of the degree programmes BSc and MSc Geographie (Geography), Geodäsie und Geoinformation (Geodesy and Geoinformation) and MSc Geoinformationstechnologien (Geoinformation Technologies)
Agreement of the Department of Hydrosciences for the degree programmes BSc Hydrowissenschaften (Hydrosciences), MSc Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten (Waste Management and Contaminated Sites), MSc Hydrobiologie (Hydrobiology), MSc Hydrologie (Hydrology), MSc Wasserwirtschaft (Water Management) and MSc Hydro Science and Engineering.
- Students of the MSc Raumentwicklung und Naturressourcenmangement (Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management) are eligible to apply for the agreements of all the disciplines.
- You can also use a partner agreement from another subject area (e.g., if you are studying Geosciences, you can use an agreement from Forest Sciences) if there are places available. However, students from the respective department have priority in the selection process. You should therefore discuss in advance with the ERASMUS coordinator of the respective department whether an application for a particular partner university is likely to be successful and makes sense in terms of content.
Agreements at the Departments
Visit the MobilityOnline portal for a detailed overview of all exchange places.
The Department of Forest Sciences offers agreements with 17 universities in the ERASMUS programme. Please note that not all agreements are equally suitable for all study programmes and stages of study. Please check the websites of the partner universities to find out what they offer.
Finland | Kuopio | University of Eastern Finnland |
France | Paris | Agro Paris Tech - Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l'Environnement |
Italy | Padua | Università degli Studi di Padova |
Italy | Viterbo | Università degli Studi della Tuscia |
Lithuania | Kauna | Vytautas Magnus University |
Austria | Wien | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien |
Poland | Krakow | Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie |
Poland | Warschau | Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszyñskiego w Warszawie |
Portugal | Evora | Universidade de Evora |
Romania | Brasov | Universitatea 'Transilvania' din Brasov |
Sweden | Uppsala | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
Switzerland | Bern | Berner Fachhochschule |
Slovakia | Zvolen | Technicka Univerzita Vo Zvolene |
Slovenia | Ljubljana | Univerza v Ljubljani |
Spain | Cordoba | Universidad de Córdoba |
Spain | Madrid | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Czech Republic | Brünn | Mendel University in Brno |
Czech Republic | Ústí Nad Labem | Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Ústí Nad Labem |
Hungary | Szeged | Szegedi Tudományegyetem |
![Map with partner universities](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/die-fakultaet/erasmus/ressourcen/bilder/Geo-Partner_202302.png/@@images/4ada8ff6-34f7-4708-8ef6-3fbc43486434.png)
Partner universities of the Department of Geosciences within the ERASMUS programme
The Department of Earth Sciences offers agreements with the following universities in the ERASMUS programme. Please note that not all agreements are suitable for all degree programmes:
Central Europe / Czech Republic
- Palacký University Olomouc, https://www.upol.cz/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies
- Czech University of Life Sciences University Prague, https://www.fzp.czu.cz/en, suitable for BSc und MSc Geography (Physical Geography und Geoinformation), MSc Geoinformation Technologies, MSc Geodesy as well as MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resources Management
- Charles University Prague, https://cuni.cz/, suitable for BSc and MSc Geography
- Czech Technical University in Prague, https://www.cvut.cz/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies
Central Europe
- Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary, https://www.elte.hu/en/, suitable for MSc Geoinformation Technologies
- Technische Universität Wien, Austria, https://www.geo.tuwien.ac.at/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies as well as MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resources Management
- Uniwersytet Wroclawski, Wroclaw, Poland, https://uwr.edu.pl/en/, suitable for MSc Geography with focus on Human Geography
- Wroclaw University for Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, https://upwr.edu.pl/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies, MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management
Southern Europe
- Universidad de Córdoba, Spain, http://www.uco.es/, suitable for MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resources Management, MSc Geoinformation Technologies
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, https://www.uni-lj.si/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies, MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management, MSc Geography (Physical Geography)
- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy, http://www.unina.it/, suitable for BSc and MSc Geography (with focus on Human Geography, urban studies)
- Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, https://www.upv.es/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies
Western Europe
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, https://www.vub.be/, suitable for MSc Geography and MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management
- Université Paris Cité, France, https://u-paris.fr/, suitable for BSc and MSc Geography, MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management
- Université de Strasbourg, France, https://de.unistra.fr/, suitable for BSc and MSc Geography, MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management, MSc Geoinformation Technologies
Northern Europe
- Högskolan I Gävle, Sweden, https://www.hig.se/, suitable for BSc Geodesy and Geoinformation, MSc Geodesy, MSc Geoinformation Technologies or BSc Geography with specialisation in Geoinformatics
- University of Eastern Finland, Finland, https://www.uef.fi/en, suitable for BSc and MSc Geography (with specialisation in Physical Geography or Geoinformatics), MSc Geoinformation Technologies, MSc Geodesy, MSc Spatial Development and Natural Resource Management
Questions about the application process
An ERASMUS stay is recommended if you have already acquired the basics in your degree program.
For stays abroad in the bachelor's and teaching degree programs, you must have completed at least the first year of study. A mobility window is provided for in these degree programs in the 4th or 5th semester and is shown in your respective study plan; we recommend that you take advantage of this mobility window. This restriction does not apply to the Master's programs.
An ERASMUS stay is also possible after you have already completed the majority of your study achievements. However, keep in mind that you must earn at least 25 ECTS/credit points abroad. If you have already earned most of the ECTS in your studies, you can also take additional modules, but these will not be shown on your certificate. Under certain circumstances, the Erasmus stay can also be used for writing the final thesis or for an internship. The Leonardo office will be happy to advise you on internships.
An up-to-date overview of our partner universities and possible exchange places can be found in the Mobility-online portal of the TU Dresden:
- Exchange places of the Forest Sciences in Mobility-online
- Exchange places of the Geosciences in Mobility-online
- Exchange places of the Hydro Sciences in Mobility-online
Students should primarily apply for agreements of their own discipline, i.e. geodesy students for agreements of the discipline Geosciences. In principle, however, applications from other disciplines are also possible, e.g. Hydrology students can use the agreements of the Department of Forest Sciences. Please discuss applications from other disciplines with the responsible coordinator. Each partner university and each study program has its own profile. Therefore, in order to find a suitable place, please have a careful look at the profiles of the respective universities.
- until February 28: You apply via the Mobility-online portal of TU Dresden. On this portal you will be guided through all steps. You can indicate a first, second and third wish for your ERASMUS stay. For the application you need a letter of motivation describing your first, second and third wish (English or German), your current CV, an informal language certificate and a draft of a learning agreement. Please research whether your desired university requires special language certificates and include them with your application or describe in the letter of motivation how you plan to acquire them by the time of your stay.
- March: The ERASMUS teams of the departments select the applicants and inform you about the selection. You accept or reject the place selection in Mobility Online.
- March/April: The ERASMUS coordinator nominates you at the host university for stays in the winter semester or for the entire academic year
- April - June: You will be contacted by the partner university. In case of delays, you contact the host university and find out about the rules for enrollment.
- April onwards: Once you have received your funding, you will draw up your Digital Learning Agreement (DLA). Coordinate this with your academic advisor, especially if you want to receive credit for the courses and exams you have taken. The Learning Agreement must be digitally signed by the ERASMUS coordinator at both the TU Dresden and the host university.
- From May: The International Office sends out the Grant Agreement.
- August/September: The ERASMUS coordinator nominates you at the host university for stays in the summer semester.
Please prepare your application in December/January for the following winter and/or subsequent summer semester. The application deadline is always 28.02. A remaining place allocation takes place in September (application deadline is then 15.09.).
For the application you will need a letter of motivation describing your first, second and third choice (English or German), transcript of records, your current CV, an informal language certificate and a draft of the Learning Agreement. Fill out Table A in the Learning Agreement. The Learning Agreement does not need to be signed by the ERASMUS coordinator at this stage.
Please research whether your university of choice requires special language certificates and enclose them with your application or describe in your letter of motivation how you would like to acquire them by the time of your stay.
For the application you only need an informal language certificate. Language certificates are perfect, but certificates from language courses, your high school diploma or a self-assessment based on your previous experience and stays abroad are also sufficient. Please note, however, that the partner university may require formal proof of language proficiency/language certificate for enrollment. Please inquire independently and in time about the respective rules at the partner university.
Please select your responsible coordinator in the respective exchange agreement in Mobility Online.
The decision in the selection of applicants is based primarily on a comparison of your first choice of the guest university and the number of available places. So far, in most cases the first request could be met. If there are more applicants than places available, the selection is made on the basis of the letter of motivation, the suitability of the desired place for the respective course of study (proof on the basis of the learning agreement), the previous course of study and on the basis of the language certificates. Applicants from other faculties have a lower priority.
Questions about the preparation of the stay abroad
The recognition is different in the Departments. Please inform yourself on the respective pages. Automatic crediting of examination achievements is not possible at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences.
Examination Office Forest Sciences
Examination Office Geosciences
Examination Office Hydrosciences (Please turn to German language for information regarding recognition)
General information on recognition can also be found on the pages of the International Office.