Feb 24, 2022
New book published: "Vom Glück der Ressource"
In March 2022 the new book „Vom Glück der Ressource“ edited by Albrecht Bemmann, Roland Irslinger and Kenneth Anders will be published by oekom. It consists of 25 articles by different authors for whom forests are a place of work, research or longing. Among those will be an article by Prof. Dr. Michael Müller titled „Patient Wald - Ist unser Wald noch zu retten?“.
In sections such as „Gibt es Waldschäden?“, „Massenvermehrungen – eine Folge von „Nadelbaummonokulturen?“, „Ich, der Borkenkäfer, erzähle euch, wie ich das Maximale heraushole“, „Bambi war´s“, „Feuer und Flamme für den Wald?“ and „Medizin für Wälder – gibt es Gutes an Pflanzenschutzmitteln und Bioziden?“ Michael Müller provides easily understandable, sometimes baffling and also humorous insights into the aspects of his field of work, forest health, which are too often displayed in a biased way and opposed to the current state of knowledge. He not only wants to inform readers but also encourage them to look into these things more thoroughly than media does and to trust those people that professionally deal with forests in order to better understand their motives. He also invites readers to support sustainable developments and to join such discussions in an unbiased way.