Teaching at the Chair of Forest Protection includes the basic and practical applications of biotic forest protection (insects, their damage and natural enemies), the causes, mitigation and avoidance of anthropogenic and abiotic risk factors in forests (wildfires, storm, snow) as well as in the field of construction wood pests (wood preservation).

The Chair of Forest Protection in teaching
The Chair of Forest Protection teaches in the following study programmes:
Forest Sciences bachelor degree
Forest Sciences master degree
International programme "Tropical Forestry and Management"
Wood Science and Technology master degree
EIPOS further education "Expert for Wood Preservation"
The following modules lie within the responsibility of the Chair of Forest Protection:
Forest Sciences bachelor degree:
1. semester: FOBF47 module - Wildfires and abiotic risk factors
4. semester: FOBF19 module - Applied basics on biotic risk factors in forests
4. semester: FOBF41 module - North German Lowland field trip
5. semester: FOBF49 module - Advanced course on biotic risk factors in forests
6. semester: FOBF37 module - Practical presentation, recording and regulation of biotic risk factors and damage in forests
Forest Sciences master degree:
2./3. semester: UWFMF13 module - Forest protection research
Wood Science and Technology master degree:
3. semester: UWFMH09 module - Wood preservation on wood in storage and construction