Joint project
Detecting and monitoring the occurrence of invasive species via portable ion-mobility spectrometry and innovative monitoring method
Project period
01.07.2020 - 31.12.2024
Project partners
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Abteilung Forstzoologie und Waldschutz
Dr. Martin Gabriel
IfU GmbH Privates Institut für Analytik
Axel Delan
Ostdeutsche Gesellschaft für Forstplanung mbH
Niederlassung Sachsen
Dr. Michael Wehnert-Kohlenbrenner
Project-accompanying cooperation partners
Julius-Kühn Institut
Institut für nationale und internationale Angelegenheiten der Pflanzengesundheit
Dr. Silke Steinmöller
Project description
The project’s objective is to develop new innovative technological methods for the early detection and monitoring of invasive species and their spread. The novel aspect within this project is the use of an ion-mobility spectrometer (IMS) for the olfactory detection of invasive species. Such methods may, for example, be employed at international trade centers for plant and timber products to detect the occurrence of invasive species or quarantine pests. In addition to utilizing the IMS for insect detection, new sampling procedures are developed to determine the abundance and current distribution of the project’s target species. Simultaneously, key semiochemicals are identified for these species (e. g. pheromones, host volatiles etc.), which can be used in monitoring as well as the olfactory detection via IMS. Furthermore, an intuitive map-based web platform is created to provide a general overview on the origin, native range, ways of spread and established non-native occurrences of invasive species in the Federal Republic of Germany. The web platform not only serves as a means for knowledge transfer and raising public awareness but can later also function as a basis for the monitoring of invasive species by publishing the monitoring data.
Project related publications, presentations and theses
Brunkau M. (2023): Detecting and monitoring the occurrence of invasive species via innovative monitoring methods in the joint project DETMON. Vortrag zur DGaaE Entomologentagung 2023 vom 20.-23. Februar 2023 in Bozen, Italien
Brunkau M. (2023): DETMON – Entwicklung eines Monitoringverfahrens für forstlich relevante invasive Insekten. Vortrag zur Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung vom 11.-13. September 2023 in Dresden.
Project staff
NameMoritz Brunkau
DETMON project
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