Completed projects
- bioProtect (2015-2020): „Development and implementation of biological techniques for an insecticide-free bark beetle management by using natural bark beetle antagonists as strategy to support biological diversity and carbon dioxide sink function of forests"
- BIOWILD (2015-2021): „Biodiversity and deer management in commercial forests", WP „Monitoring of deer parameters, hunting, and adjustment of hunting methods
- FOMOSY-KK (2016-2021): „Development of a forest monitoring system with regard to carbon dioxide sequestration and adaption to climate", WP 5: "Indication of naturalness using beetle monitoring"
- HarzWB: „Forest fire risk and prevention in Harz National Park and adjacent managed forests (500 m) as case study for low mountain ranges in Germany"
- LINA (2016-2019): „Optimising the cultivation of poplars in short rotation coppices (SRC) by minimising the impact of insect pests using the example of the Red Poplar Leaf Beetle (Chrysomela populi L.)"
- RiMIS (Wald) (2016-2019): „Risk analysis and integrated monitoring based on ion mobility spectroscopy for recording damage agents in preventive forest protection
- AgroForNet (2010-2014): „Sustainable development of rural regions by linking producers and utilizers of dendromass for energy purposes", WP "Monitoring and management of biotic agents in large-scale short rotation coppices"
- AGROWOOD (2005-2009): „Establishing, harvesting and utilizing fast-growing tree species on agricultural land in the Freiberg (Sachsen) and Schradenland (Südbrandenburg) regions"
- Bark beetle antagonists on deciduous trees (2009-2012): „Analysis and olfactory control of bark and wood boring insects on deciduous trees as well as related zoophagous insects on deciduous trees as basis for a sustainable risk management"
- CultPop (2010-2013): „Cultivation of poplar in former sewage farms"
- Integrative concept of hunting strategies with special regard to deer impact, forest development, interests of forest owners and hunters as well as forest damage by deer in selected hunting/forestry districts in the federal state of Thuringia
- Studies on ecological interactions between sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with regard to practice-oriented forest health and silviculture aspects
- ZIORJA (2010-2015): Goal-oriented deer hunting within the Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg administration