Diploma Thesis Maximilian Berndt
Raumbezogene Daten in der Planungsphase von Windparks – Optimierungspotenzial durch Geodateninfrastrukturen
submitted by | Maximilian Berndt |
Day of Submission: | 20th February 2009 |
Advisor: | Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard, TU Dresden |
Dipl.-Ing. Henning Krebs | |
BOREAS Energie GmbH, Ingenieurbüro Kuntzsch GmbH - Dresden |
Electricity generation through wind energy converters means climate and environment protection. From planning up to its installation, a wind farm is long venture. Most notably during the planning of a wind farm, a huge number of geospatial data is managed, modelled, analyzed and exchanged. This paper is aimed at optimizing workflows using spatial data by the use of Spatial Data Infrastructures. Thereby applying of standardized interoperable Web Services, using the medium internet as communication platform, is attached special importance. The efforts on standardization by the Open Geospatial Consortium, as well as the European legislative initiative INSPIRE establish a basis to access to distributed heterogeneous spatial data stocks. How can these concepts and technologies be used for simplification and hastening of workflows in planning a wind farm? Answering that question a series of different use cases was collected and reviewed regarding to their suitability for implementing with spatial data infrastructures. Concluding the prototype developed in this paper demonstrates one possible implementation of a selected use case by the use of OGC Web Map Services and Web Feature Services.