Dr.-Ing. Matthias Soot
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Dr.-Ing. Matthias Soot
Scientific Assistant
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Research Focus
Experts knowledge in real estate valuation
- Innovative statistical and machine learning methods in real estate valuation
Improvement in purchase price databases and standards (AKS)
- Investigation on alternative real estate (market) data (multisensor-fusion/aggregation)
- Influence of climate change and climate change mitigation on real estate values and land management
- Tutorial "Geostatistics", Bachelor's level
- Tutorial "Basics in Landmanagement", Bachelor's and Master's level
- Lecture, Project and Seminar "Selected topics in the field of real estate valuation", Master's level
Professional background
- August to September 2009: Internship at the cadastral office in Trier
- October 2009 to November 2012: Bachelor’s program in Geodesy and Geoinformation at TU Dresden
- October 2012 to October 2014: Master’s program in Geodesy at TU Dresden
- April 2010 to February 2015: Employee at real estate valuation office (part and full time)
- Since March 2015: Research Assistant at Chair of Landmanagement (TU Dresden)
- May 2021, PhD (Dr.-Ing.) at the Faculty of Environmental Science (with distinction)
- Since 2015: Member of DVW Sachsen
- Since 2015: Member of Graduate Academy (TU Dresden)
- Since 2016: Member in the Committee of valuation experts in the state capital Dresden
- Since 2017: Member of European Real Estate Society (ERES)
- Since 2019: Member of Working-Group in Real-Estate Valuation of DVW
- Since 2022: Member of Deutscher Hochschulverband
- Since 2022: Member of the European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD)
- Since 2022: Board Member of Center for Demography and Diversity
- Since 2024: Deputy member of the reallocation committee of the City of Dresden
PostDoc Projekt – Innovative Approaches for Data-Syntheses – Big Data in Landmanagement
DiMaVisA – Digitalization of real-estate market information due to improvement in evaluation and visualization methods (funded by the Ministry for Internal Affairs and Sport of Lower Saxony, Department 44)
![Screenshot des Programmes Vergleichswert.NI](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/geo/gi/lm/ressourcen/bilder/forschung/enter-aks/@@images/0ee5834e-2f21-4080-a632-ebbe1b4e61e2.png)
ENTER AKS – Development of a (semi) automated registration and analysis tool (funded by the Ministry for Internal Affairs and Sport of Lower Saxony, Department 44)
![Projektziele AKS](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/geo/gi/lm/ressourcen/bilder/forschung/aks/@@images/93ab6526-5caa-408e-96b9-32d3b10130a2.png)
Auswertemethoden der Automatisierten Kaufpreissammlung (AKS) (funded by the Ministry for Internal Affairs and Sport of Lower Saxony, Department 44)
![Bayes Projekt. Darstellung der Prädiktionen von Angebotspreisen und Experteneinschätzungen](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/geo/gi/lm/ressourcen/bilder/forschung/bayes/@@images/2084e112-69d1-430c-90ab-cbde72e7e787.png)
Bayes Projekt
Immobilienbewertung in kaufpreisarmen Lagen durch ein Robustes Bayesisches hedonisches Modell (fundet by DFG)
Further information can be found in the Research Information System of TU Dresden
Different Regions with Few Transactions – An Approach of Systematization , 2017Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Expertenwissen in der Immobilienbewertung , 2017, In: FUB – Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung. 79, 2, p. 82-91, 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Analysis on Different Market Data for Real Estate Valuation – Investigations on German Real Estate Market , 2016Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Development of a Robust Bayesian Approach for Real Estate Valuation in Areas with Few Transactions , 2016Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Entwicklung neuer Auswertemethoden in der Automatisierten Kaufpreissammlung (AKS) , 2016, In: Nachrichten der Niedersächsischen Vermessungs- und Katasterverwaltung. 66, 1, p. 3-11, 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Neue Trends der Mietpreis- und Immobilienwertentwicklung in Großstädten und deren Umland infolge verstärkter Zuwanderung nach Deutschland? , 2016, Vorbereitender Bericht zur Jahrestagung 2016 : Daseinsvorsorge und Zusammenhalt. 5 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution