Guidelines for theses
Table of contents
1. Introduction
These guidelines are intended to make it easier for you to start working on your thesis at the IPF, to familiarise you with the process and to give you an overview of what we expect from you and what you can expect from us in return.
In the following sections, we will provide you with numerous tips for your thesis. Our special concern is to prepare you for the scientific work process and to take away your fear of a blank sheet of paper. The description and documentation of working methods and results will accompany you in your future career, even after you have completed your academic career.
We have prepared this guide with the utmost care. However, if you have any questions, you can always contact your supervisors.
2. Requirements and expectations
With your thesis you show that you are able to:
- select appropriate methods to work on the task from the contents taught in your degree programme and apply them in a scientifically correct manner.
- acquire further contents necessary for the processing.
- analyse results and to present conclusions in a coherent chain of argumentation.
- reflect, discuss and classify your work in the scientific state of knowledge.
- structure your work in a topic-specific, complete and logical manner ("red thread"). This includes the description of the motivation, the relevant basics, the presentation and analysis of the results as well as a concluding conclusion.
- support the presentation of complex issues with concise and technically correct formulations, meaningful illustrations and clear tables.
- work on a given task independently, in a structured (content-related), organised (project management) and binding manner.
- present your work in writing according to scientific standards (dealing with literature, citation, formatting, layout).
- prepare professional discussions with the supervisor in a meaningful way and to present your problems in a comprehensible way during the discussion.
The following supervision principles apply:
- The supervisory relationship is based on reliability and honesty.
- It is your responsibility to maintain contact with your supervisors.
- Please do not drop in unannounced, but keep agreed appointments.
- An appropriate style in e-mail correspondence is expected.
- Prepare consultations thoroughly and inform the supervisors about your questions in advance.
- We respond to email enquiries within 2 working days wherever possible.
- We will inform you in good time if we are foreseeably out of the office for more than a week.
- We also try to make consultation appointments possible at short notice.
Procedure of the consultation process:
- Consultation appointments are made as needed.
- An interim consultation should be held halfway through the processing period. This gives you the opportunity to ask professional questions of the participating staff members.
- Supervisors will not proofread the work before submission. Feedback on text extracts can be arranged individually.
3. Topic selection and Exposé
Topic selection
First, consider in which area your topic should lie (e.g. close-range photogrammetry or laser scanning) and whether you want to work on a more algorithmic topic (development/ programming) or an application-related topic. Most topics have a more or less large programming component. You should see this as an opportunity!
You can find a list of available topics on the professorship's website. Shortlist several topics and find out about the content in an initial discussion with the supervisors. As a rule, a single topic will then crystallise. If you would like to propose your own topic, feel free to approach us with that as well.
Next, write a 1-2 page (Bachelor's thesis) or 2-3 page (Master's thesis) synopsis on the topic and the planned approach to the work. The exposé should contain the following points:
- Motivation of the thesis
- State of the art with literature sources
- Preliminary outline of the thesis
- Ideas for solutions
- Rough time schedule for the work
- Expected goal of the work
You will submit this exposé to your supervisors within 4 weeks. On this basis, a decision will be made in a second meeting by mutual agreement as to whether you will work on the topic.
4. Examination modalities
The currently valid examination regulations can be found on the pages of the Examinations Office (Geodesy and GIT). If you have any questions about the examination modalities, please contact the Examinations Office.
Admission requirements
Only students who have already achieved at least 112 (B.Sc.) or 55 (M.Sc.) credit points are entitled to register a Bachelor's or Master's thesis.
Issue of the topic
The topic is submitted to the examination office by the supervisors and the supervising university lecturer (Prof. Maas). The thesis is registered by the Examinations Office after it has been examined by the Examination Committee. The Examinations Office also determines the start and submission dates. Applications for registration are processed in blocks on a monthly basis. The decisive deadline is the 15th calendar day of the respective month.
Processing time and extension
The processing time for the Bachelor's thesis is 10 weeks, for the Master's thesis 21 weeks. In justified exceptional cases, you can apply for an extension of the processing time by 4 weeks (Bachelor's thesis) or 8 weeks (Master's thesis) at the examination board. This requires the consent of the supervising professor (Prof. Maas).
Submission of the thesis
The thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office in due time in German (after consultation with the supervisor also in English) in two printed and bound editions, as well as in digital form. Currently, a submission date must be arranged before the thesis is submitted. The original of the signed assignment shall be included in one copy of the thesis. A copy of the assignment is bound into the other copy.
Furthermore, the following documents must be submitted digitally to the supervisors in a well-structured and documented form:
- Digital version of the thesis as a PDF document and all source files such as latex documents, images or office files
- Illustrated short summary of the thesis (motivation, approach, results, evaluation of results) as a PDF for presentation on the website
- comprehensibly documented source code and executable version of the software developed in the thesis with a short user manual
- collected data sets depending on the topic and in agreement with the supervisors
5. Written work
Formalities (extent, format template)
There is no general requirement for the length of the written work. You decide how much text is required for comprehensible presentation. The ratio of theoretical foundations and your own contribution to the research field should be balanced. The focus is on your own developments or investigations.
There are no explicit guidelines for the layout of your document. Please follow the usual scientific standards. Format templates for theses are included in the corporate design of the TU Dresden, for example:
- Word -> Vorlage_Abschlussarbeit_Photogrammetrie.docx
- LaTex ->
Below are some formatting parameters for guidance:
- Font: Open Sans, Times New Roman, black.
- Font size: 10 or 11
- Line spacing: 1.0
- Number figures and tables and provide meaningful captions (place figures not referenced in the body text in the appendix)
- Create a table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, bibliography and list of abbreviations (optional)
Decide on a citation style and use it consistently. Examples of citation methods:
- APA -> Müller & Schneider, 2020
Bibliography: Müller, A., Schneider, B., 2020. title. Journal/... - Harvard -> (Müller/Schneider 2020)
Bibliography: Müller, A., Schneider, B., 2020. title. Journal/... - Vancouver -> [1]
Bibliography: [1] Müller, A., Schneider, B., 2020. title. Journal/...
Structure of the work
The logical structuring of the work ("red thread") facilitates reading and supports the understanding of the presented facts. Your paper could be structured as follows (depending on your assignment):
- Motivation
- Relevant basics (e.g. procedures and methods used in your work)
- Methodology used in your work
- Presentation and analysis of the results
- Summary, conclusion and outlook
Further notes:
- Pay attention to comprehensible chains of argumentation.
- Avoid vague statements in the subjunctive.
- Always describe facts and substantiate all findings with the help of your results.
- Be sure to use scientific language.
- Document all essential steps/experiments (no diary style!). Even experiments that did not work can provide insights and be mentioned in the paper.
Tips for literature research
Literature research is indispensable for good scientific work and working methods. You can use suitable literature to support your theses, solve problems and draw on existing methods, algorithms or workflows.
- Use Google Scholar or comparable search platforms for your literature research. Work with concise keywords, phrases or author names. From the TUD network you can access all online journals subscribed to by the SLUB free of charge. To the best of your knowledge and conscience, pay attention to seriousness.
- If you have researched a suitable (review) article on your topic, use the sources in the bibliography to find further or related literature.
- You may use Wikipedia provided that you cite the original source. Wikipedia itself is not a source worth citing in a thesis. The same applies to any internet source without an apparent author.
- In general, always try to cite the author's source (e.g. Brown's distortion parameters -> Brown,1976 instead of Luhmann, 2010).
Tips on the writing process
- Plan enough time for the writing phase. The written thesis is the main component of the assessment!
- Already from the beginning of the editing period, record thoughts, screenshots, results, etc. at least in bullet points in your written work, which will then of course be formulated or shaped later.
- Use the entire editing period for writing your paper and not just the last few weeks. For example, the basic section can already be written in the first half of the editing period.
- Make sure that the wording and statements are clear and easy to understand.
- Have another person (fellow students, friends) to proofread your work.
- Do not hesitate in case of blockages or problems. Talk to us!
Basic tips, methods, and checklists for all phases of writing can be found in the Jump-start Writing. Take advantage of writing workshops or continuing education courses as needed. Three examples are listed below (Link to external content, possibly only available in German):
- SLUB writing workshop: - Writing workshop OPAL: - Writing Centre:
6. Defense
The defence serves to present the essential contents of the thesis. In doing so, you should show that you have sound knowledge in the subject area and have applied this knowledge meaningfully in the thesis. The work should be presented in a structured and professional manner. The slides should be easy to read and the facts should be illustrated. A common thread should be recognisable. The focus should be on the presentation of the own results and their classification in the current state of research.
The duration of the presentation should not exceed 15 minutes (Bachelor's thesis) or 20 minutes (Master's thesis).
In the subsequent discussion, you should demonstrate that you can respond to questions in a well-founded manner. You should be proficient in technical language and use it confidently.
7. Evaluation and feedback
Your final thesis will be assessed according to the criteria of content, working method and presentation of the work. Please see the following list for the points that play a role (including the expectations for grade 1, Only available in German):
After completion and defence, we offer an additional discussion between you and the supervisor. The aim is to discuss:
- what went well and what did not
- how your grade was arrived at
- some advice for future work