Dec 04, 2024
Press release KijaniBox Kickoff: Generating sustainable cooling energy from organic waste in Africa
The Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy (IAK) at TUD Dresden University of Technology (TUD) is participating in the new EU research project "KijaniBox" to develop a biogas-based cooling system to promote energy independence in Kenya and Uganda.
The kick-off meeting took place from October 22 to 24, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya, and brought together 14 partners, seven from African countries (Senegal, Uganda and Kenya) and seven European countries (Spain, Italy and Germany). The IAK takes on the role of project coordinator and is represented by Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack, Maximilian Barth, Pascal Otto and Philipp Witkabel. The team is supported by Beate Brenner and Jan Hauke Montag from TUD's European Project Center (EPC).
Text of the original press release
Project description on the website of the TUD Dresden University of Technology
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