Research project SHAFTAN-SAT
German-Israeli cooperation. Joint project with two components
Partner IL:
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- The Water Authority, Israel
- The Geological Survey of Israel, Israel
- Tel-Aviv University, Israel
- Mekorot – (National Water Company of Israel), Israel
Partner GE:
- Hydroisotop GmbH Schweitenkirchen
- Technische Universität Berlin
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
- Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Duration: October 2010 – September 2013
Dr. rer. nat. Axel René Fischer
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Fahl
project description:
The project investigates and describes the processes during the intermittent infiltration at AGR (artificial groundwater recharge) and SAT (soil aquifer treatment) sites within the unsaturated zone. Transport and environmental mechanism of organic dissolved matters and of chosen nitrogen components in connection with the periodical fluctuation of moisture and the redox milieu were investigated. The research orientates at the conditions of the Israeli SAT site Shaftan.
Based on these results, conclusions to increase the capacity of those technologies should be drawn. The main focus lies on the following:
- conservation and improvement of the hydraulic infiltration capacity,
- conservation and improvement of DOC reduction and micro pollutants as pharmaceuticals, herbicides, etc.,
- reduction of the risks of manganese and iron mobilization.
The Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment mainly (since 2016 Institute of Waste Management and Circular Economy) carries out the followings tasks:
1. Conceptual design, construction and installation of a field measuring and sampling station (aim is the representative water sampling from the unsaturated zone),
2. Simulation and variation of the field conditions in controlled and unsaturated column experiments.