Degree Programs
Presentation of the Master's program "Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment" © Felix Dobritz, IAK/TUD
Student Advisory Service (for the Chair of Waste and Environmental Management):
M.Sc. Benjamin Schwan, Tel.: +49 351 463 44166
Student Advisory Service (for the Chair of Groundwater and Soil Remediation):
Dr. Axel Fischer, Tel.: +49 351 463 44120
ERASMUS program pages (Department of Hydro Sciences)
From now on, registration for examinations after the HISQIS deadline will NO LONGER BE PERMITTED. It will also no longer be possible to enroll immediately prior to the start of the exam.
The exams written during the exam period can be viewed at the institute in Pirna. For organizational reasons, however, this is only possible within 6 weeks after the grades have been announced. Please arrange the date for exam inspection in advance with Dr.-Ing. Roman Maletz, Tel.: +49 351 463 44165 or Herrn Dr. Axel Fischer (Department of Groundwater and Soil Remediation/Contaminated Site Treatment) Tel.: +49 351 463 44120.