Current Research Projects
AI-Enabled Prediction of Glacial Calving based on 4D Real-Time Multi-Sensor Monitoring (Eltner)
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DFG FOR Land Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (Orlowski, Mauder)
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Development of a comprehensive model for concurrent water surface and bottom reconstruction in photo bathymetry (Maas)
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Multi Sensor Systems
Multi sensor systems for flash flood observation in Oman
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Climate Collaboratorium
Co-creation of Applied Theatre Decision Labs for Exploring Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (Hartmann)
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Wildfire CE
Enabling cross-boundary assessment, communication and management of wildfire risks in Central Europe
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Silviculture in the midst of climate change: How do saplings manage to grow into healthy trees despite climate-induced stress caused by heat and drought? (von Oheimb, Kalbitz)
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Fast and invisible: Conquering Subsurface Stormflow through an Interdisciplinary Multi-Site Approach (Hartmann)
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Artificial Intelligence for Flood Warning, Subproject: Artificial intelligence for runoff forecasting and river monitoring (Eltner, Schütze)
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Automated fusion and classification of ALS and UAV data for the creation of heavy rain hazard maps (Eltner)
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Carbon storage in the soil of near-natural beech forests – water balance and dead wood biomass as decisive regulating factors in a changing climate (Kalbitz)
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Forest risks - Deriving receptor specific indicators for storm and drought in the 21st century (Bernhofer, Feger)
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Management and marketing of forest ecosystem services in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ÖSL-MV) (von Oheimb)
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Mangrove-Saltmarsh ecotone patterns as indicators for critical impacts of sea level rise and climate change on coastal wetlands (Berger)
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Retrospective Analysis of weather-induced extreme events, large-scale disturbances and silvicultural strategies (Wagner)
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KlimaKonform II
Development of a platform for climate-friendly action at municipal and district level in low mountain regions (Mauder, Bernard, Berendonk, Schtze, Krebs, Schanze, Bernhofer)
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Urban Resistome
Assessing the influence of rain and combined sewer overflow on the urban stream resistome (Berendonk, Krebs)
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DOC-Strength of sources
Solution-oriented investigations on increased DOC discharges from soils in selected catchment areas of Saxon drinking water reservoirs (Kalbitz)
Präsentationen zum Projekt: Präsentation 1; Präsentation 2; Futher Information
Sentinel-based fuel, fire and emission products to constrain the changing role of vegetation fires in the global carbon cycle (Forkel)
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Biophysical impacts and feedbacks of plant phenological changes (Forkel)
Weitere Informationen zum Projekt hier und hier
Transpiration of forest trees as a future ecophysiological sign of life for forest environmental monitoring; Subproject 3: New models for the soil water balance (Hartmann)
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Research Green Roof
Optimization of the effects of simple intensive green roofs on building and urban climate, water balance and vegetation diversity in the urban environment through irrigation with treated grey water (Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Meteorologie, Geosensorsysteme)
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4D Glacier margin change monitoring
4D Glacier margin change monitoring on the basis of multi-temporal 3D point clouds (Maas)
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Abiotic stress alters microclimate by changing vegetation traits (DFG SB)
Investigation into the capacity of vegetation for modification of the microclimate using grassland vegetation as an example (Bernhofer, Ludwig-Müller, Gliksmann)
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Rainfall interception (DFG SB)
Localization of water storage and evapo(transpi)ration in forests (Bernhofer, Queck)
Further information on the project here und here
Meteorological Drivers of Mass and Energy Exchange between Inland Waters and the Atmosphere (Koschorreck, Spank, Bernhofer, Rinke (UFZ))
Further information on the project here und here
The effect of roof-mounted photo-voltaic modules on the urban microclimate and indoor thermal comfort (Mauder)