Sep 29, 2023
Lecture Series on Rail Vehicle Technology in WS 2023/24
The Chair of Electric Railways and the Chair of Vehicle Technology invite you to the lecture series Rail Vehicle Technology 2023/2024 at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, TU Dresden. Speakers from well-known vehicle manufacturers as well as consulting and planning companies will provide insights into cutting-edge topics from research and development.
Students and all interested parties are cordially invited. Participants can make contacts in the railway industry and take part in stimulating discussions on a wide range of topics.
- Time: The lecture series will start on Wednesdays in the 5th double period from 11 October, 14:50 - 16:20 hrs.
- Location: Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, room 361 (Hettnerstraße 3, 01069 Dresden)
- Language: The lectures will be held in German
- Module affiliation: Elective subject in the module MW-MB-KST-26
- Topics: Alternative drives and battery vehicles, vehicle design, data utilisation and artificial intelligence
Each lecture will last 60 minutes and will be followed by a discussion.
The event is open, pre-registration is not required.
Students of mechanical engineering can receive credit for regular attendance in the module MW-MB-KST-26 "Vertiefung Schienenfahrzeuge".
The presentation slides will be made available after each lecture.
11. October
Alternative Drives I (Technologies)
Tobias Bregullan (Chair of Electric Railways)
18. October
Alternative Drives II (Evaluation)
Nyascha Thomas Wittemann (Chair of Electric Railways)
25. October
Laden im Stillstand - Herausforderungen und aktuelle Forschung
Johannes Strohhäcker (Chair of Electric Railways)
01. November
Charging at standstill - challenges and current research
Tobias Bregulla (Chair of Electric Railways)
08. November
CBM and vehicle data
Ilja Stein (Stadler Deutschland GmbH)
15. November
System engineering - Integration of a system into a rail vehicle using the example of brakes
Christine Klein (Stadler Deutschland GmbH)
29. November
Vehicle limitation mainline/tramway
Uwe Kokotz/Stefan Schubert (CE cideon engineering GmbH & Co. KG)
06. December
Maglev trains - Current developments
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnd Stephan (Chair of Electric Railways)
13. December
Impact and overrun tests - What could an artificial intelligence detect and distinguish?
Dr. Tobias Herrmann (IFB Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH)
20. December
Battery vehicles and data use in vehicles
Timm Kaptein (Stadler Deutschland GmbH)
10. January
NGT DX DD - The new light rail generation in Dresden
Holger Seifert (DVB AG)
17. January
Fire protection for rail vehicles or clearance requirements/restriction calculation
Dirk Fischer (CE cideon engineering GmbH & Co. KG)
24. January
Noise & Fire - weighty cross-sectional topics in rail vehicles
Marco Wienert (Stadler Deutschland GmbH)
31. January
Electromagnetic compatibility of rail vehicles
Marco Faustmann (Stadler Deutschland GmbH)
Die Termine sind im OPAL Kurs sowie auf der Terminseite der Professur für Elektrische Bahnen veröffentlicht. Bitte achten Sie auf kurzfristige Terminänderungen.
The dates are published in the OPAL course and on the dates page of the Chair of Electric Railways. Please pay attention to changes of dates at short notice.