Foto: Zwölf im Kreis stehende Personen legen ihre Hände in der Mitte des Kreises übereinander © PantherMedia / Andriy Popov Sample, please replace. © TUD

Our chair cooperates with strong partners world wide

The Chair of Electric Railways works together with strong partners in the field of electric transport systems. Besides classic research activities, we are executing measurements and software development as well as expert reports for and with our partners. We are offering further education in the field of electric transport systems for interested businesses and institutions.

learn more Our chair cooperates with strong partners world wide

Main topics at a glance

Das Foto zeigt die Darstellung eines Globus. Um den Globus herum schweben die Flaggen verschiedener Länder. Auch die europäische Flagge ist zu erkennen. © PantherMedia / scanrail