Transport and Traffic Sciences in Dresden
The "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences is the largest academic competence centre in the field of traffic sciences in Germany and has a 60-year tradition of research and teaching based in Dresden. With its complex system-orientated approach, it is focussed on the complexity of the transport and notification architecture and in this way takes into account the dynamic challenges of the transport markets. With its interdisciplinary teaching and research network of traffic economics, traffic engineering, transport infrastructure and transport technology, it makes an important contribution to the sustainable development of all transport and infrastructure systems to meet the ever-growing mobility needs of society.
More than 200 scientists research and teach at seven institutes and 20 professorships. The faculty offers six own study programs, including the diploma degree in Transport Engineering, the bachelor degree in Transport Economics and four master programs. For practical applications in research and teaching, the researchers and 1,100 students of the faculty have access to around 30 laboratories or experimental and test facilities.
"Verkehrslage" - the online magazine of transport and traffic sciences at TU Dresden
A "window" into the world of transport and traffic sciences at TU Dresden is the faculty's own online magazine "Verkehrslage". It is about the people at the faculty and their areas of research and activity, what drives them, how they approach projects, what they achieve. In the four sections "Research", "Studies", "People" and "Network", current topics from the faculty are informatively presented in German and English and supplemented with interesting additional information such as graphics, facts and figures, videos and links. To the the online magazine "Verkehrslage"