OptRail - Optimal vehicle and personnel deployment for rail infrastructure development and freight transport through intelligent and green planning
Rail transport occupies a central position in the public transport system. It plays an essential role in the mobility of people and the transport of goods. The German government has decided to selectively expand passenger and freight transport to strengthen this role further. As part of this initiative, Deutsche Bahn plans to invest around 156 billion euros by 2030 to modernize and expand the rail network.
This goal poses particular challenges for rail construction companies. They have to meet this demand with a limited number of employees and, in some cases, highly specialized construction machinery. Optimal planning of these resources can contribute to achieving the desired goals.
In cooperation with the project partner SaxMS, the "OptRail" project aims to develop and implement an optimization procedure for green and integrated planning in railroad construction and freight transport. Initially, the focus is on machine planning and shift allocation in railroad construction. The developed procedures will then be extended to freight transport to address the challenges of cyclic circulation planning and personnel scheduling. Based on these developed procedures, machine and personnel planning is integrated, focusing on environment-oriented planning.
Project duration
01.06.2023 bis 31.05.2026
Responsable staff
Prof. Dr. Udo Buscher
Dr. Janis Neufeld
Aron Lange
Daniel Miodowski