Nov 26, 2019
ENERDAY 2020 - 14th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology
Die Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Energiewirtschaft, veranstaltet am 08. Mai 2020 in der Messe Dresden den 14. ENERDAY.
Das Thema der eintägigen Konferenz ist: „Coal-exit and beyond – Current issues of decarbonization in (East) Germany, Europe, and worldwide“.
Eingereichte Paper können die folgenden Themen addressieren:
I. Cross-sectional topics
- Energy and climate, e.g. assessing European climate/energy policy goals and achievement levels, interactions between policy instruments across Europe, regulation of non EU ETS sectors, etc.
- Energy security, e.g. adequacy and energy security as public good, fluctuating renewable energies, coal-exit, capacity mechanisms, etc.
- Energy efficiency, e.g. efficiency benchmarking, best practice examples, self-supply, social norms to increase energy efficiency, counteracting rebound effects, energy management systems, RES in industry etc.
- Local aspects, e.g. alternative utilization concepts of power plant sites, analysis of the regional impact of the coal-exit, concepts for accompanying measures, local adaptation strategies, etc.
II. Sectoral analyses and case studies
- Electricity sector: carbon price developments, renewable support schemes and pricing, infrastructure investments, etc.
- Heating sector: climate policy instruments, promotion of renewables in the heating sector, efficiency measures, etc.
- Transport sector: CO2-emissions and benchmarks, hydrogen, electric mobility, new concepts and business models, etc.
- Natural gas and oil sector: price developments and infrastructural analysis, inner-European markets, Energy Union, etc.
Weitere Informationen sowie den Call for Papers finden Sie auf der Konferenzwebsite.