Apr 03, 2020
Study offer - Internationalisation@Home - online participation in English language courses offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU Dresden
Dear “incoming students“,
thank you for your interest in studies at our faculty!
TU Dresden is in emergency mode until further notice. No contact studies are allowed, the lecture halls of TU Dresden are closed. But nevertheless, our lectures will start on time from next week on. The professors and lecturers are working intensively to provide fitting solutions to substitute their traditionally on-site and face2face courses.
We came to know that you had planned an exchange semester at our faculty in the summer term 2020, starting on Monday, April 6th, finishing on Friday, July 17th. Probably the current Corona crisis has forced you to change your plans. A lot of potential incoming students have to stay at home. So, you might consider to switch to internationalisation@home mode. This means, that you participate in courses completely online, including exams.
To meet your interest in studies at our faculty, I am happy to announce the attached courses, which are explicitely opened besides local students also for incoming students. These selected courses will be completely digitalised (online self study materials, possibly complemented by webinars and/or students’ team exercises) and include examinations. They provide usually 5 ECTS credit points and grades, following our local grading system (best: 1,0 - 1,3 - 1,7 - 2,0 …. 4,0 passed). After the summer term, our examination office will receive your examination results and provide a common diploma supplement which you e.g. can use back home for course recognition.
Advanced Bachelor students might also be allowed to enroll in Master courses. Please check with the lecturer. Some details on the course outcomes, structure and examinations you find here: Overview Digitalised Courses in English open for Internationalisation@Home
More details are provided in our online course descriptions in the OPAL learning management system (see below).
If you want to enroll in courses, please communicate your interest immediately, directly to the responsible lecturers via E-Mail with the following information - DEADLINE APRIL 9, 12 h!
- scan/pic of your passport and of your student identity card (from your home university) - needed for authorization processes
- first name and last name, eMail address
- name of your home study program (Bachelor/Master in …) and the current semester/study year
- course you want to participate in
- possible pre-knowledge you already posses on the course topic.
Most courses offer only a limited number of places for additional (online) participants. Please follow the informations about the selection mode (if there is no selection process documented, it will be first-come-first-served).
The colleagues will forward the names, E-Mail addresses and copies of your passport and student identity card. Our administration will provide guest logins to OPAL, our learning management system. You will get notice once done. Only then, you can
- connect to OPAL https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/,
- login for TU Dresden with your ZIH-Login and password,
- find the relevant courses and
- check if the lecturer already registered you, otherwise you can enrol yourself via the received guest login.
For further support, concerning information about the courses, contact the lecturers responsible, best using OPAL’s communication functionality, or via E-Mail.
Questions outside the course-specific context please direct to
- my research associate Anne Jantos: who supports me in my function as E-Learning representative, or
- our faculty’s student association. They offer guidance and useful information “from student to student“ under the following address:
Best regards from my Home Office,
the colleagues and I are looking forward to see some of you soon here in our courses digitally.
Eric Schoop
E-Learning representative of the Faculty of Business and Economics