Nov 26, 2024; Course of talks
Colloquium: Wellbeing and Resilience Competencies Development in Educational and Business Settings
Poor mental health within the student population has become increasingly prevalent, with research suggesting that these figures are set to rise rapidly in the coming years. In this context, the search for evidence-based strategies to equip university students with the necessary skills to improve levels of resilience and wellbeing has become paramount. Considering this, we designed “Time to Thrive” (in cooperation between TU Dresden and King’s College London), a coaching psychology programme for university students based on an integrative model of cognitive-behavioural solution-focused coaching, positive psychology coaching and principles of neuroscience. By presenting the initial results of this project, I will also provide some insights on ongoing cooperation with King’s College London and the University of Oxford aiming to promote wellbeing and resilience competencies in educational and business settings.