May 02, 2024
29.05.2024: Between board of directors and responsibility: Dr. Stefan Traeger (JENOPTIK AG) on the role of companies in turbulent times
Companies bear responsibility - this is especially true in challenging times. How can managers and entrepreneurs fulfil their responsibility for our society and democracy? How can they act responsibly in a time of turbulence and uncertainty, and at the same time make a contribution to effectively combating fears and dissatisfaction? What role do values such as openness, tolerance, and diversity play in this context?
We would like to invite you to a discussion with Dr Stefan Traeger, CEO of the global technology group JENOPTIK AG. Dr Traeger, who was born in Thuringia, is an experienced manager and technology expert. He will be sharing his insights into his work and his vision for the role of companies in these turbulent and uncertain times.
The event will be held in German.
Please note that registration is required by 28 May 2024 to attend the event in the lecture theatre.