Technology Platform
Core Facilities are key elements of any modern research infrastructure and as such, contribute significantly to the advancement of science and education. The Core Facilities of the CMCB Technology Platform can be found here CMCB Technology Platform.
Furthermore, B CUBE offers access to the following equipment:
Octet Biosensor (FortéBio)
This device provides real-time, label-free analysis for the determination of affinity, kinetics and concentration of biomolecules, including but not limited to antibody-antigen interaction. Kinetic analysis including association and dissociation of biomolecules can be performed on up to 384 samples in one 384-well microplate.
- High sensitivity detection
- 16-well simultaneous sampling
- 384-well and 96-well formats
- Two plate locations maximize throughput and improve workflow
- Automation friendliness allows multiple-plate assays in one run
- Biosensor re-racking allows maximum flexibility and operational cost savings
- Advanced software offers greater versatility in experimental design and data analysis
Ulrike Hofmann
Technician (for usage of Octet)
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CD spectroscope (Chirascan-Plus, Applied Photophysics)
This device provides Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy as a fast and sensitive tool for probing secondary structure of biomolecules. It is particularly powerful in observing changes of secondary structure with environmental conditions upon mutation or on interaction with other molecules yielding structural, kinetic and thermodynamic information.
- The instrument offers exceptionally high sensitivity and unparalleled far-UV performance for fast CD measurement
- Quick assessment of protein structure to determine whether an expressed/purified protein is folded
- Thermal stability measurements with temperature ramping experiment
- Simultaneous circular dichroism, absorption and fluorescence detection
- Easy and rapid evaluation of spectra and calculation of protein secondary structure content
Kristin Heintze
Technician (for usage of the CD Spectrometer)
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Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) / Zetasizer
The Zetasizer is a highly flexible DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) analyzer that provides information on particle size, zeta potential, concentration and molecular weight. It enables fast measurements thanks to reliable technology, high precision and high accuracy.
PhD Aurimas Narkevicius
Scientist (for the usage of the DLS/Zetasizer)
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How to become a user
If you are interested in using the services or devices of the facility, please contact us. You will then get a short introduction or training how to use the device and information about our booking system and the fees you will need to pay. We are also happy to discuss individual scientific projects with you.