Name | Position | Time | Last known position |
Amélie Meyer | SHK | 2023-2024 | |
Metin Davutoglu | Predoc | 2018-2023 | |
Iaroslav Babenko | Predoc | 2019-2023 | PoL, postodc AG Friedrich |
Lawrence Landrock | SHK | 2022-2023 | |
Marlen Zengerling | WHK | 2022 | Supervisor, BioNTech |
Luca Scheitz | WHK | 2022 | |
Christoph Heintze | Postdoc | 2014-2022 | Open Sesame Therapeutics GmbH |
Ariane Kühn | SHK | 2019-2022 | PhD student ETH, Zurich |
Lukas Niese | WHK | 2022 | PhD student B CUBE, AG Diez |
Ekta Kumari | Postdoc | 2016-2022 | Algal Biologsit, Phycobloom, UK |
Stefan Görlich | Postdoc | 2017-2022 | B CUBE, AG Zhang |
Ramón Korn |
SHK | 2020-2022 | |
Kris Elias Müller | WHK | 2021 | |
Tim Schell-Dieckel | SHK | 2020-2021 | PhD student, TU Dresden AG Honigmann |
Jirina Zackova Suchanova | Postdoc | 2018-2021 | Scientific Officer, Dyntec, Czech Republic |
Falk Meßner | WHK | 2021 | |
Alastair Skeffington | Research associate | 2021 | Lecturer, University of Sterling UK |
Pilar Lörzing | SHK | 2020 | PhD student with Prof. Schlierf, B CUBE |
Valeria Sabatino |
Postdoc | 2018-2020 | Research Tecnician, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Nora Fröhlich | Assistant | 2017-2020 | B CUBE, AG Politi |
Andre Ohara | Postdoc | 2018-2020 | Research Associate in Moelcular Biology, Imperial College London, UK |
Anne Jaczkowski | SHK | 2019 | |
Robin Lenk | SHK | 2019 | DZNE, Dresden |
Damian Pawolski | Postdoc | 2015-2018 | Sales Specialist, Tecan |
Lena Lange | SHK | 2018 | |
Simon Frerich | 2018 | London, UK | |
Julia Werner | WHK | 2017-2018 | University of Heidelberg, Germany |
Alexander Kotzsch | Research associate | 2013-2018 | Senior Scientist at CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany |
Beata Wilgan | WHK | 2016-2017 | Research Team Coordinator (Antibodies) at Pure Biologics S.A. in Poland |
Nidhi Dubey | Postdoc | 2016-2017 | Assistant Professor, Jamia Hamdard University, India |
Martina Lachnit | Technical Assistant | 2015-2017 | CRTD, TU Dresden AG Maximina Yun |
Anke Borrmann | Technical Assistant | 2015-2017 | Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden |
Michel Heidecker | SHK | 2016-2017 | |
Selina Lerch | SHK | 2016-2017 | |
Jannes Hauptstein | WHK | 2016-2017 | Thermo Scientific |
Sabine Poerschke | SHK | 2015-2016 | Wroclaw, Poland |
Susan Haupt | WHK | 2014-2015 | Lab Manager/Team leader at Keystone Labs, Edmonton, Canada |
Julia Palm | Technical Assistant | 2012-2015 | Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden |
Matthias Buhmann | Research associate | 2013-2015 | Director Biofilm Research, Dr. Brill Biofilm Services, Switzerland |
Gousia Begum | Research associate | 2013-2015 | Scientist at CSIR Indian Insitute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India |
Aslihan Ekim | Research associate | 2012-2015 | Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Freiburg |
Beate Brankatschk | Technical Assistant | 2012-2013 | Paul-Langerhans-Institut Dresden, AG Coskun |
Helene Hennig | SHK | 2013 | Landschaftsökologie und Naturschutz in Greifswald |
Annegret Brandt | Research associate | 2012-2013 | TU Dresden, Kompetenzschule "Get Started" |
Tomasz Sadowski | Research associate | 2012-2013 | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden |
Christian Heck | SHK | 2012-2013 | PhD student, University of Potsdam |
Olga Valueva | Research associate | 2012 | CRTD Dresden, AG Bökel |
Vonda Sheppard-Smith | PhD student/Post Doc | Group Leader at Catalent Pharma Solutions in Greenville, NC, USA | |
Andre Scheffel | Post Doc | Professor at TU Dresden in the Biology department, Emmy Noether Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Plant Physiology in Potsdam | |
Nick Haase | PhD Student | Manager of Systems Integration at Truvia, California, USA | |
Seunghyun Ryu | Post Doc | Research Assistant Professor, University of Tennesee, USA | |
Sam Shian | Post Doc | CTO, Solchroma Technologies, USA | |
Anusuya Willis | Post Doc | Research Scientist - Australian National Algae Culture Collection at CSIRO | |
Scott Holmes | Bachelor Student | Master student, University of North Carolina, USA | |
Patrick Chesely | Bachelor Student | Medical doctor, Madigan Army Medical Center, USA | |
Dustin Hipp | Bachelor Student | Medical doctor, Texas Childrens Hospital, USA | |
Rida Pashmaree | Post Doc | Post Doc, Emory University, USA | |
Qian Zhang | Masters Student | ||
Bo Zhang | Post Doc | ||
David Oso | Bachelor Student | ||
Marcela Preninger | Bachelor Student | Research technician, Emory University, USA | |
Claudia Ramirez | Bachelor Student |