Nov 21, 2016
B CUBE research group joins SFB with DFG-funding until 2020

Motor-driven Transport of Intracellular Cargo: Cooperativity and Control
As the DFG announced today, the SFB 1027 receives funding of 10 Million Euro for another 4-year period until 2020. The consortium, which was already funded from 2013-2016 and was successfully evaluated in September 2016, is conducting research in the field of theoretical and experimental modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological and in particular cellular systems. Its major goal is to reveal and understand basic physical principles governing the active, energy dissipating dynamics of many interacting molecular or cellular agents leading to emergent forms and functions in living matter. 23 scientists from natural and life sciences are closely collaborating in 18 sub-projects and an integrated graduate school for the training of doctoral students.
Within the CRC 1027, the Diez Lab at ZIK B CUBE will - in collaboration with the research group of Ludger Santen at the University Saarbrücken - analyze intracellular cargo transport driven by teams of molecular motors in a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The project is expected to enhance our understanding of bidirectional movement along microtubules, such as of importance for neuronal transport.
Follow this link to the website of the SFB 1027.
Here you can find the full press release of the University of Saarbrücken.