The EU-Fairplay project aims to bring the increase of educational equity through digital game-based learning into the focus of educational research within the EU. In the course of the digital transformation and intensified by the effects of the Corona pandemic, the topic of e-learning is more present than ever in the education sector. Nevertheless, not all learners benefit equally from digitalization. On the contrary, already existing inequalities are becoming more pronounced.
Therefore, the project's task and goal is to establish a European network in which actors from educational research and practice are brought together to discuss educational equity issues and formulate solutions.
Through joint network meetings, workshops, and collaboration, future projects can thus be developed collaboratively with the cooperation partners, which address the topic area of educational equity and contribute to enabling fair access to education through game-based learning within the EU.
Previous network meetings:
May 12-13, 2022: Online kick-off event on the game-changing Gather conference platform.
Nov. 28 and 29, 2022: Tampere, Finland (as part of the GALA conference)
August 21, 2023: Thessaloniki, Greece (as part of the EARLI conference).
Network meeting in planning:
October 04, 2023: Enschede, Netherlands (as part of the ECGBL conference).
In addition, there is a monthly digital talk format where people from the field of Game Studies speak on specific topics.
The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the guideline for funding projects on the topic of "Strengthening European cooperation in educational research" with 350,000 euros.
The project aims to build a European network that will use game-based learning to make access to education more equitable and ultimately increase educational equity through broader projects and ventures.
Stakeholders in educational research and practice as well as educational game developers, serious game studios, gamers, and fans of digital educational games.

Head of research group
NameDr. rer. nat. Mathias Hofmann Dipl.-Psych.
Science and grant proposal coordination
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TUD Dresden University of Technology
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01062 Dresden

Research assistant
NameMr Richard Joos M. A.
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Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 442 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
- Disruptive Media Leraning Lab (Coventry University, UK)
- Institute for Competence Diagnostics (PH St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- Institute of Psychology (University of Graz, Austria)
- Education and Communication Lab (University of Strasbourg, Switzerland)
- School of Digital Technologies (University Tallinn, Estland)
- School of Communication, Media & It (Hanse University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands)
- Netzwerk Medienpädagogik Sachsen
- Gamify Now! UG
- Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW
- Game - Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V.
- Hector Kinderakademien in Baden-Württemberg
- Serious Games Society
- Akademie für berufliche Bildung Dresden
- Spielraum Köln
- YouTube:
- OSF:
- Padlet:
- Instagram hashtag: #eufairplay