Invitation to tender
1. objective
The Harry-Dember-Prize is intended to honor particularly outstanding master's or diploma theses at TU Dresden in the fields of optics, optoelectronics, photonics and imaging scanning probe methods. As a rule, the award is only given to students who have completed their studies within the standard period of study in the respective subject. Justified exceptions are possible. The prize is in memory of the Dresden physicist Prof. Harry Dember, the discoverer of the effect named after him. Dember was expelled by the National Socialists in 1933 after many years of successful work in the Department of Physics at the former TH Dresden and emigrated to Turkey and then to the USA, where he died in 1942.
2. award
The award consists of a certificate and prize money of 1000 euros.
3. award ceremony
Proposals for the award must be submitted to the Managing Director of the Center for Applied Photonics by university lecturers or other persons working in the fields mentioned under point 1 by November 30 of each year. Personal proposals are not possible. An eligible proposal consists of the diploma thesis and a detailed justification of the prize worthiness by the proposer. The jury (consisting of the Board of the Center for Applied Photonics) will select one thesis from the proposals received; the prize may be shared. The award ceremony takes place at a festive colloquium at the beginning of the following year.

Preisträger des Harry-Dember-Preises 2022 und 2023
Previous prize winners
year | Prize winner | Title of the work |
2024 | Felix Hergenhan | Ultrafast Response in Unbalanced Mobility Organic Photodetectors |
Maarten Mittmann | Dendritic Polymer Fiber Networks in Free-Standing Films for Infrared Sensing |
2023 | Sebastian Kaiser | Spectroscopic Measurements of Organic Semiconductors in Gas Phase |
Iuliia Kiseleva | Toward Reproducible Domain-Wall Conductance in Lithium Niobate Single Crystals |
2022 | Jakob Lindenthal | Optoelectronic Pressure Sensing Utilizing a One-Dimensional Topological Interface |
Louis Conrad Winkler | Investigating photomultiplication for organic photodetectors |
2021 | Julius Brunner | Novel Strategies for Performance and Stability Enhancement of CsPbI3 Quantum Dot Solar Cells |
Richard Kantelberg | Modeling the Distribution of Oxygen in Organic Thin Film Systems | |
2020 | Lautaro Petrauskas | Design and Investigation of a Delayed Feedback Line for a Reservoir Computing System Using Organ |
Maximilian Obst | Optical and electrical investigations on VO2 thin films | |
2019 | Elisabeth Schwarz | Organic light-emitting diodes with ultra-stable glass layers |
Christoph Schmidt | Coherent perfect absorption in organic microcavities | |
2018 | Anton Kirch | Excitation Wavelength Dependent Response of a Biluminescent-Fluorescent Emitter Blend |
2017 | Mona Kliem | Dispersion and laser modes in structured organic microcavities |
Edward van Sieleghem | Interference effects in infrared scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy | |
2016 | Felix Simon Fries | Active beam shaping in OLEDs through AC/DC operation |
Vasileios Christos Nikolis | Non-Fullerene Acceptors and Cascade Organic Solar Cells | |
2015 | Michael Sawatzki | |
Vertical Light Emitting Transistors - Investigation of Charge Transport in Vertical Organic Field Effect Transistors | ||
2014 | Matthias Saalfrank | Solution-processed Small Molecule Absorber Layers for Organic Photovoltaics |
2013 | Bernhard Siegmund | Temperature dependent singlet exciton diffusion length in ZnPc |
Jakob Holfeld | Investigation of the deposition of intrinsically conductive polymers from the gas phase | |
2012 | Felix Kaschura | Fabrication and characterization of vertical organic triodes based on hole-conducting molecular layers |
2011 | Jens Ludwig | Time Resolved Spectroscopy on thin films of Oligothiophene molecules |
2010 | Sarah Röttinger | Local photocurrents in photoactive layers of organic solar cells |
2009 | Julia Wünsche | Investigation of Triplet-Exciton Diffusion in Organic Semiconductors |
2008 | Burkhard Zimmermann | Photoconductive terahertz emitters and detectors for compact terahertz transmission systems |
Andreas Thiessen | Electronic transport properties and interface states in oxide heterostructures | |
2007 | Maik Langner | Structure of optical modes in microresonators with organic resonator layers |
Phillipp Reichenbach | Fluorescence of single molecules in the vicinity of metallic nanoparticles | |
2006 | Phillipp Schneeweiß | Stimulated Emission from Organic Microcavities under sub-ps Excitation |
Alexander Haußmann | UV-assisted generation of ferroelectric domain patterns in lithium niobate for the selective deposition of adsorbates | |
2005 | Roman Forker | Influence of the substrate on the optical properties of HBC nano-layers |
2004 | Thomas Härtling | Nano-optical addressing of ferroelectric domains using novel laser polarization modes |
2003 | Thomas Dienel | Spectroscopy of highly ordered organic molecular layers |
Marco Koschorrek | Ultrafast Relaxation Processes in N-N-dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-dicarboximide | |
2002 | Susanne Schneider | Apertureless near-field microscopy (S-SNOM) of ferroelectrics |
2001 | Tobias Otto | Optical contrast below the diffraction limit on ferroelectric domains of BaTiO3 single crystals |
Robert Nitsche | Optical Properties of Ultrathin Organic Films | |
2000 | Bert Männig | Doping of Polycrystalline and Amorphous Dye Vapor Deposited Films - Structure, Morphology and Semiconductor Properties |
1999 | Karin Schmidt | Quantum chemical modeling of electronic excitation states in organic molecular crystals |