At the start of the semester, each course instructor is required to provide the participants with general and sport-specific instructions, as well as instructions specific to the sports facility (see list).
These instructions have to be signed by each participant. The document is to be handed in to the person responsible for the sport, alongside the attendance list. The fee settlement will only be processed by the administration after the instructions and attendance list have been handed in.
The house regulations of Technische Universität Dresden or the regulations of the respective sport facility (see list) apply.
When booking a course, the participant accepts the general terms and conditions of the DHSZ and the instructions (general instruction, if applicable sport-specific instruction) as well as the respective sports facility regulations.
The General Regulations of Technische Universität Dresden or the respective sports facility regulations apply (see list).
Table of contents
General instruction for participants in university sports
1. Eligibility
Eligible to participate are those who have booked and paid for the course. With the booking, you accept the terms and conditions of the DHSZ and take note of the instructions.
2. Organization of the sports courses
Sports facilities and equipment may only be used in the presence of a course instructor. The directions of the course instructor, DHSZ staff and gym staff must be observed. Ignoring this rule may lead to exclusion from the course.
Sports clothing must be appropriate for the particular activity as well as the weather conditions. Sneakers must be abrasion resistant and clean. Jewelry, festival ribbons, etc. must be taken off. Piercings are to be removed or taped over.
You should only get changed in the locker rooms provided for this purpose. You are responsible for your own valuables. TUD is not liable for the loss of personal property.
3. Cancellation
To ensure that the courses are optimally filled, you may lose your place if you fail to attend twice without letting the course instructor know. In this case, you will no longer be eligible for the course. Please always register your absence by contacting the course instructor directly (The contact form will appear if you click on their name).
4. Insurance and accidents
Students and employees of the Dresden universities affiliated with the DHSZ are insured against accidents (only under certain conditions (see GTC)). External students and students of other universities are not covered by insurance.
In case of accidents (also commuting accidents), the participant must fill in an accident report which has to be signed by the course instructor and handed in by the participant to the DHSZ. Insured participants are required to visit an accident insurance consultant (Durchgangsarzt). The accident report form is available from the course instructor and on the DHSZ website. We recommend that you have a private liability insurance.
5. Health
Each participant is asked to perform exercises according to their own capabilities and to take only reasonable risks. We ask participants with health conditions that may result in acute conditions (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, etc.) to inform the course instructor appropriately and explain the necessary first aid measures. Pregnant women should also avoid activities with a heightened risk. Course instructors are subject to confidentiality.
6. Material
Each participant is required to handle equipment and furnishings with care and to maintain order and cleanliness.
Damages must be reported to the course instructor. Do not use any damaged material!
7. Sports facilities
Please be mindful about conserving water and energy. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited. Bicycles must be parked in the places provided for this purpose.
You must comply with the respective sports facility regulations. Glasses, glass bottles and food are not allowed.
8. Taking photographs
The participants agree that photos may be taken during the course. Those who do not wish to be photographed must notify the course instructor. You can object to the publication at any time (see GTC).
General instructions for course instructors (German)
Sicherheitshinweise beim Schwimmen (Deutsch)
Your safe use of our swimming pool (Englisch)
Votre sécurité à la piscine (Französisch)
Ваша безопасность в бассейне (Russisch)
(Arabisch) سلامتكم في المسبح
(Persisch) ایمنی شما در استخر شنا
- Tennis-Belehrung
Haus- und Platzordnung Tennisplatz (Andreas-Schubert-Str.)
- Kanu-Belehrung (deutsch)
- Kanu-Belehrung (chinesisch)
- Kanupolo-Belehrung
Im Rudern muss jeder Teilnehmer den Sicherheitslehrgang besuchen und mit Prüfung abschließen. Nur wer diesen Lehrgang besucht, darf im Boot Platz nehmen. Buchung unter: Rudern Sicherheitsschulung.
Sportstättenordnung Bootshaus USV