07.03.2017 IDEENSTUDIO Biomicroelectronics
Combining microelectronics and biology and vice versa may not be a very new idea, but as we all know time is up where things are getting interesting. This small IDEENSTUDIO is designed to be a -Kick Off- for new collaborations and ideas, giving you enough time to speak to each other and providing information on potential needs for your next research projects. Role of the Project Scouts will be to steer the workshop, to summarize, to collect ideas and your needs and organize a suitable follow up workshop. Furthermore, we want to continue by developing projects, visions and perspectives for this vibrant interdisciplinary research field.
2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Mommsenstraße 7, Room 4, basement
Please send us a short feedback mail to register (until 24.02.2017), so that we can plan in detail.

Sachgebietsleiter Forschungsförderung
NameDr. Sacha Hanig
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).