TUD | Campus Lusatia
Shaping structural change
Structural change in Lusatia involves a lot more than compensating for the discontinuation of an economic sector. In addition to the coal phase-out, the Free State of Saxony faces other challenges that we also have to keep in mind – demographic shifts, the climate crisis, the scarcity of natural resources and the increasing shortage of skilled workers.
However, challenges also harbor new opportunities. This is why TU Dresden wants to work together with partners in commerce, society and policy to help shape structural change in the region, which will help promote long-term ecological and economic development and boost interest in the Free State of Saxony.
The transformation of Lusatia into a modern, future-oriented region can only succeed if we take advantage of technological advancements and the opportunities presented by digitalization. This requires the establishment of structures and the realization of projects that would enable change for the region. TU Dresden seeks to achieve this by establishing and expanding the TUD | Campus Lusatia.
To this end, we are pursuing a holistic approach to accommodate the complexity of this structural change:
- We rely on top-level research and excellent transfer to bring innovation to the region.
- We are establishing new institutions and promoting spin-off companies to create new structures and jobs.
- Our research accompanying this structural change provides essential insights for further stages of development.
- We counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the region through targeted educational programs and projects.
- We place particular focus on promoting STEM subjects and work together with schools to realize this ambition.
- We offer tailored programs and services to promote women, especially in STEM subjects.
- In keeping with our commitment to society, we use projects and opportunities for communication to contribute to the public discourse and we seek to foster a welcoming culture in Saxony.
Get to know the TUD | Campus Lusatia. The Shaping Structural Change – TUD | Campus Lusatia brochure, available in German, introduces the initiative and a selection of central projects.

Coordination TUD|Campus Lusatia
NameMs Clara Hartung
Division University Development
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