Jan 07, 2025
Saxon Transfer Prize 2025
In 2025, the Free State of Saxony will once again honor established, forward-looking knowledge and technology transfer projects with the Saxon Transfer Award. The award honors knowledge and technology providers who have contributed in a special way to the success of a transfer process from science to industry and thus significantly strengthen the innovative power of Saxony's SMEs.
The award is aimed at researchers (technology providers) who are employed at state-recognized universities, non-university research institutions or industrial research institutions in Saxony.
industrial research institutions in Saxony and have made a significant contribution to the transfer of knowledge and technology to SMEs in Saxony.
The application is submitted jointly by the technology provider (individual, team or institution) from a university, non-university research or industrial research institution in Saxony and a company based in Saxony (technology provider).
Participants benefit not only from prize money totaling up to 50,000 euros, but also from the accompanying public relations work and access to over 12,000 contacts in the futureSAX network - including numerous investors.
For the first time, the Saxon Transfer Prize will be awarded in three categories:
- Spin-offs - spin-offs from science that have already been founded at the time of application and were founded no more than six years ago.
- Patent exploitation - at the time of application, the patent must have been sold, the license granted or standardization applied for.
- Cooperation - the contract research, joint research, infrastructure service or further education offer must have been started at the time of application.
This year's jury will include Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart, Director of the TUD|Excellence Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (TUD|excite).
Find out more now and apply online by March 10: www.futureSAX.de/transferpreis