May 09, 2017
Transfer project of the month: Network enabled 3D sensors for the measurement of airflows
Under these conditions, a widespread use for monitoring and control functions is not yet reasonable.
The Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK) has further developed 3D flow sensors in the framework of a BMWi research project. With the help of various sensors, a detailed real-time measurement of flow velocity and direction with a high measurement range 0.01…10 m/s (10 ms time resolution) is possible. The interconnectivity of 3D sensors additionally allows for a simultaneous measurement at different places. For the user, no special knowledge is required.
Read full article here.
This article is an extract from the issue “Sprungbrett Informationstechnik” (“Stepping Stone Communication Technology”) of the Dresden Transfer Bulletin. For the past 25 years, on-going transfer priorities of Dresden-based researching businesses and scientific institutions have regularly been published here. The aim is to make excellent research results accessible for the public, i.e. in practical application or during the implementation process.
By publishing innovative research and development results, editors of the Dresden Transfer Bulletin (TU Dresden, TechnologieZentrumDresden, GWT-TUD and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Dresden) would like to contribute to a successful exploitation.
Issue “Stepping Stone Communication Technology”
Issue “We ARE transfer”