Research and Project Scholarships / Fellowships
Research and project scholarships enable postdocs to enhance their scientific career at a university research institution. The focus is on their own research combined with the development of their scientific profile and qualifications.
Please find below scholarship programs for postdocs which support
- the familiarization with a new field of research and/or to write a scientific publication,
- Habilitation intentions,
- own research project as a working group leader or
- junior professorships.
Do you need professional and financial support for drafting a proposal for a third-party funded project?
Please take note of the broad range of services offered by the units 5.1 - Research Promotion and 5.2 - European Project Center. Your applications will be competently attended and variously supported from the first idea to the submission and implementation.
Monetary support measures for proposal preparation of third-party funded projects [Document only available in German] include:
- Support for applications to national funding organisations: the Research Pool
- Support for applications and projects with EU funding: the Incentive System [within TUD only]
- Fonds for intellectual property rights searches for specific research projects at TU Dresden
Research & Project Scholarships
Below you will find a selection of possible external funding institutions. This is not a complete listing, just selected examples.
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award for setting up a working group and conducting a research project of own choice.
Type of funding: Postdoc funding, junior professorship, endowed Professorship
DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Emmy Noether-Programme for an independent leadership of a junior research group over a period of six years
- Heisenberg-Programme in preparation for a scientific leadership position (long-term professorship)
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships
Granting of up to two-year scholarships in the form of a postdoctoral position
European Research Council
Funding Programs: ERC Starting Grant and ERC Consolidator Grants
FEBS - Federation of European Biochemical Societies
(Association of European Biochemical Societies)
Type of funding: long-term scholarships, short-term scholarships, scholarship for return to Europe
Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Funds of the chemical industry)
The Liebig Fellowship intents to help start the careers of prospective university teachers in the chemical sector
Type of funding: Research scholarships and research projects
Human Frontier Science Program
Type of funding: Postdoctoral Fellowships (Long-Term or Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Type of funding: individual scholarships, networks, co-financing of programs, science and industry, other measures and funding of research projects at a research institution