The Graduate Academy offers a variety of resources to help you get the most out of your membership. The membership is voluntary and may be requested at any time without any financial commitments. A GA membership is free of charge and provides a variety of different training opportunities tailored to the needs of junior researchers. Furthermore, the Graduate Academy offers various funds to its members to support and foster their academic career. As the competent point of contact for junior researchers at TU Dresden, the membership at the Graduate Academy additionally provides its members with consultation services for writing advice and application documents.

Membership at Graduate Academy
1. Online Registration
Membership at the Graduate Academy is voluntary. You can apply for membership by filling out the online application form via Promovendus. The online application form can be found in Promovendus on the start page after login.
You need a ZIH user account to log in to Promovendus. To fill out the application, you need to log in to Promovendus and open the online application for membership on the start page. A ZIH user account is required to log in. If you do not have a ZIH user account yet, you can apply for one via this link.
During the online application, you will be asked to upload the relevant documents. The required documents depend on the kind of membership and will be named during the online application process. More information can also be found on the web pages for the membership of doctoral candidates or postdocs
2. Submitting the application documents
At the end of the online application in Promovendus, an application document will be generated, which you need to sign. Please send the signed document electronically to .
3. Processing your application documents
Upon receipt of your complete application documents, we aim to process your requests as soon as possible. However, depending on the number of incoming requests, it might take some time (1-2 months) before we are able to answer your membership request.
4. Confirmation of your membership at the Graduate Academy
If you fulfill the requirements for a membership, you will receive a letter of acceptance via email from the office of the Graduate Academy.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Freestate of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder.